Topic: Finding similar artists

Posted under General

So after about 95 years of using this website i finally decided to make myself an account for something i always wanted to do with fellow furries (which i use to do on other furry websites) where we help each other find similar artist who make more or less the same stuff and we trade fetish art its always fun and helps find new and interesting stuff you might not know you are interested in, also it helps me find new artist i can follow which is nice lol.

so ill start there is this artist called parumpi you can find his art on this website he makes what you could call femdom humiliation but instead of being the classic not enjoyable type of humiliation is a more soft version that honestly i'm starting to really like, but since i started following this guy very recently i'm having a hard time finding anyone else who does the same stuff also the tag "humiliation_but_like_its_nice_you_know" doesn't exist for some reason.

feel free to share your favorit artist or things you like in artist and maybe you will get some back alternatively if you know an artist similar to parumpi or someone's description of what they like you can share that and then we all have a grand ol time :)