Topic: whats with the tickets?

Posted under Off Topic

When I first started using them they would be answered in a few hours to a day or two.

Now? Now I'm lucky to even get an answer, or one in under a month.

I actually had a ticket or two closed with "ticket closed due to inaction." W...t...f...
Am I being ignored, or are the admin overloaded. (Don't see how, other tickets are answered pretty fast, its just certain users)

Is this a subtle way of saying "shut the f up and get in your cupboard."?
Cuz coupled with a few other things I feel... under appreciated. Maybe even unwanted...
Is it just all in my head?


I hadn't time to tackle the tickets recently, and a couple others are pretty busy as well at the moment.

But besides that your tickets are pretty often bad.

You don't make our lives easier if you make the description of the ticket a rant and we're left to wonder what the hell you want from us.

Or if you report a single instance of someone misusing a tag as tagging abuse.

Or if you say "mistagging" and you leave us to search 5 pages of tagging history to hopefully find what you were talking about.

If you want your tickets answered more quickly I'd suggest a very simple fix; tell us exactly why you report something and, if reporting a user for mistagging, please make sure it's not only something that was done once and please give us a link to the image where the stuff happened.

That would directly and absolutely improve your tickets up to the point where we can quickly understand and handle your tickets, without having to waste our time trying to figure out what you want from us.

(This is also good advice for everybody else)

Updated by anonymous

I haven't noticed any slowdowns, I usually get a response within 24-48 hours.

Updated by anonymous

Please remember, the administration team is largely composed of volunteers. If the ticket seems to be intentionally vague, it'll likely get left to inactivity.

If pushed away long enough, it isn't enforceable and will get declined due to inactivity.

I will ask the group to make sure they stay on top of tickets, however. As NotMeNotYou said, help us help you.

Updated by anonymous

ok, sounds about right. i sorta didnt realise it was rantish.
ill make sure to be more spesific and put all relivent info into it such as page/post/and tag numbers ect.

as peekaboo mentioned it's only certain users, me and maybe one or two others.
anyway thanks for the answers.

Updated by anonymous