Topic: Anyone else struggling with emotional responses to art?

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I've seen a lot of things relating to suicide, such as r/watchpeopledie on Reddit, and some stuff on the rest of the internet, including e621. Unlike other users, however, I don't feel unhappy or morbid in any way when viewing that sort of thing; in fact, when I first saw post #564019 and #564013 my first thoughts were "Wow, the colouring job is beautiful in that!"
Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Updated by Lekkiyo

Eh, when I see that stuff in art, I find the humor in it

Updated by anonymous

EmoCat said:
r/watchpeopledie on Reddit.

People who frequent such websites often should do themselves and the world a favor and upload OC to that thread.

Fake stuff like furry art and the likes doesn't bother me in the slightest.
After all - It is a fuckin' drawing.

Real stuff does bother me tho, because it features someone in pain, someone actually being killed, i.e. real suffering.

Updated by anonymous

Art is an expression of emotion, so its only natural to draw stuff like that. I often enjoy seeing it it, since it gives you a glimpse into an artist's mind.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Drawn stuff bothers me because it reminds me that similar things happen in real life. The way my brain works, I might as well be looking at an actual photo or footage.

Updated by anonymous

EmoCat said:
I first saw post #564019 and #564013 my first thoughts were "Wow, the colouring job is beautiful in that!"

My first thought was how hard it would be to load and fire a handgun with telekinesis.

Updated by anonymous