Topic: Upvotes and notifications when posts are FFD / deleted

Posted under General

TLDR: Bold section.

So, recently I hit 80k favs a year after the favorites limit was imposed, which was also the same time I realized there was a difference between voting up and favoriting. Pup was an absolute godsend and created a script that could automate the transition from favorites to upvotes. Took a couple of days, but its done now and all is good.

Now I have a new irksome problem. Favorites will transfer over in the event that superior child posts are added and the parents are deleted so your search results won't be affected aside from appearing fresher in your favorites list. This is not the case with upvotes, the parent is removed and the child post is not added so your search results are affected as the sought result is no longer present.

Why upvote transfers don't happen as faves do, apparently there's a lot involved and I came across one thread, and in particular, a chain starting with this post in my searching for an answer on this topic. Not sure what all has changed in four years, perhaps we have better hardware, more powerful internet connection, better coding, or whathaveyou. Perhaps it's worth taking another look at if there isn't a thread already doing so. I'm not here to rehash that discussion though, at least not word for word.

Probably making a mountain out of a mole hill here, but I'd like to know when previously upvoted work is getting flagged or has already been deleted for whatever reason so that way I can take the initiative and manually transfer my upvote from the parent to the child. Now that we also have limits, people might appreciate this for their favorites list as I got just over 3.5k posts that were deleted in my favs (the script left those alone, thankfully). That will be a fun trip down memory lane.

Basically, instead of transferring upvotes upon image deletion, users will be given a notification and a link to the affected work so they can transfer their upvotes manually if they so choose.

I'd make this a general feature request for the website but this is probably something that's better done third party. Don't know how feesiable it would be if you're checking against the entirety of a users upvoted artworks or making a reference to the flags list then searching for upvoted work there, let a coder decide.

I do have re621 and that spits out new content of all my followed tags pretty quickly, would love to see this as another module if this is something that's doable. I realize that would open me up to an argument against this: I'm already getting notifications and pushed content that I like, why should I get a notification something is getting deleted, when I'll just get a notification later when a fresher version appears? Well I guess I don't have much of a reason beyond allowing me to stay organized and on top of things. Personal problem, sure, would I like to have a tool that allows me to deal with that, defo. 80 favorites is no joke.

Have at it.