Ok well in Arizona they are trying to pass a law that gives anyone the right to break ANY and I do mean any, law on the grounds of "its against/part of my religion" main thing is segregation of gays, refusal of service, harrasssment, violence, ect. And if the victim files lawsuit they automaticly lose and have to pay a huge ass fine. But it doesn't stop there. People can kill gays, straighten whatever as long as they say its part of my religion. And they will be safe from persecution.
In Oklahoma they are nearly able to pass a bill that would make stoning gays to death legal, as well as like above unlimited freedom to segregate and refuse gays. Including say a gay phoning 911 about someone trying to car jack them, if the operator is christain they can refuse help and hang up on grounds of religiosity freedom.
What the fuxk man!!!
Updated by 4channyGranny