Topic: I'm getting scared to be an American thanks to these psycos.

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Ok well in Arizona they are trying to pass a law that gives anyone the right to break ANY and I do mean any, law on the grounds of "its against/part of my religion" main thing is segregation of gays, refusal of service, harrasssment, violence, ect. And if the victim files lawsuit they automaticly lose and have to pay a huge ass fine. But it doesn't stop there. People can kill gays, straighten whatever as long as they say its part of my religion. And they will be safe from persecution.

In Oklahoma they are nearly able to pass a bill that would make stoning gays to death legal, as well as like above unlimited freedom to segregate and refuse gays. Including say a gay phoning 911 about someone trying to car jack them, if the operator is christain they can refuse help and hang up on grounds of religiosity freedom.

What the fuxk man!!!

Updated by 4channyGranny

Esme_Belles said:
Ok well in Arizona they are trying to pass a law that gives anyone the right to break ANY and I do mean any, law on the grounds of "its against/part of my religion" main thing is segregation of gays, refusal of service, harrasssment, violence, ect. And if the victim files lawsuit they automaticly lose and have to pay a huge ass fine. But it doesn't stop there. People can kill gays, straighten whatever as long as they say its part of my religion. And they will be safe from persecution.

In Oklahoma they are nearly able to pass a bill that would make stoning gays to death legal, as well as like above unlimited freedom to segregate and refuse gays. Including say a gay phoning 911 about someone trying to car jack them, if the operator is christain they can refuse help and hang up on grounds of religiosity freedom.

What the fuxk man!!!

Don't worry about it.
Even if it passes, it fails constitutional tests across the board.
It's an illegal law.

Updated by anonymous

Just two states making unconstitutional laws makes you scared to be an American?

Updated by anonymous

ok first off best thread title ever but i'm gonna take a break from my usual sillyness for a second:

ok this. THIS is why over ¾'s of the world hates us and why I am ashamed to live in the United States sometimes... people use religion for an excuse for evevrything and as a self respecting homosexual man you can see why I have to say this pisses me off more than everything but really when people do this kind of discrimination against people based on unfairly forcing there religon on others and people who force there religon on others only holds that faith in a negative light building sterotypes like that certain religon being full of extremists and radicals...

[rant over]

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Just two states making unconstitutional laws makes you scared to be an American?

No. The fact they even tried makes me scared.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
No. The fact they even tried makes me scared.

People are always trying to change up things :I

Updated by anonymous

ZigguratVertigo said:
It's simple. We kill the Gayman.

just try it. this isn't even my final form! >:3

Updated by anonymous

No Arizona, you are the Gayman.

And then America was a terrorist.

Updated by anonymous

I figure that it's inevitable that the US is going to tear itself apart from the inside. Within my lifetime? Maybe, maybe not, but I'm planning to move out once I have my degree.

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
THIS is why over ¾'s of the world hates us

No, people hate America because we're imperialist douchebags who actively go into other countries and ruin them.

Every country has religious loonies.

Esme_Belles said:
trying to pass a law that gives anyone the right to break ANY and I do mean any, law on the grounds of "its against/part of my religion"

How to prevent this:

Step 1: Walk into Arizona's legislature, mention Rastafarianism, and walk out.

Step 2: Enjoy watching dozens of politicians frantically backpedal as the proposal collapses.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
No, people hate America because we're imperialist douchebags who actively go into other countries and ruin them.

Every country has religious loonies.

How to prevent this:

Step 1: Walk into Arizona's legislature, mention Rastafarianism, and walk out.

Step 2: Enjoy watching dozens of politicians frantically backpedal as the proposal collapses.

Not even Rastafarianism.
Try Islam, Republicans are terrified of Sharia law, this would make it a real thing.
Or Mormonism, it doesn't allow polygamy at present, but if you made it legal again, some of them will jump on it.
Or one of the African religions that involves female castration, or human sacrifice.

On top of all of this, the standard for "religious belief" is that the belief must be held with the same conviction as a religious belief.
This is to cover religions not recognized, and personal belief systems.
So, as long as a person truly believes in it, to the same degree as a religion, you can make any shit up you want.

Updated by anonymous

My question would be "what are they going to follow it up with?". This is so out there and politically infeasible that I'm inclined to interpret it as a tool to get a follow up, less obviously unreasonable, proposition through.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Not even Rastafarianism.
Try Islam, Republicans are terrified of Sharia law, this would make it a real thing.
Or Mormonism, it doesn't allow polygamy at present, but if you made it legal again, some of them will jump on it.
Or one of the African religions that involves female castration, or human sacrifice.

On top of all of this, the standard for "religious belief" is that the belief must be held with the same conviction as a religious belief.
This is to cover religions not recognized, and personal belief systems.
So, as long as a person truly believes in it, to the same degree as a religion, you can make any shit up you want.

Polygamy is legal in some parts of Utah already.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
I dunno but, imho, that seems like an excuse for racism... post #379388

Of course, the Mormons believe that Native Americans have "red skin" because they were cursed by god for their wickedness and evil.

Updated by anonymous

Just a FYI: as we are located in Arizona, local legislature is always something we keep on top of.

The Arizona law Esme refers to is a bill that was vetoed a few months ago by Gov. Jan Brewer. If passed, it allowed a business to refuse service to anyone on the grounds of religion or sexual preference.

It was a stupid law anyway, as any business has the right to refuse to service to anyone, for any reason. This just allowed them to say "I don't want you in here because you're gay".

Regardless, it's a non-issue in Arizona. The fact that it passed state Senate, however, is a bit unnerving.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Just a FYI: as we are located in Arizona, local legislature is always something we keep on top of.

The Arizona law Esme refers to is a bill that was vetoed a few months ago by Gov. Jan Brewer. If passed, it allowed a business to refuse service to anyone on the grounds of religion or sexual preference.

It was a stupid law anyway, as any business has the right to refuse to service to anyone, for any reason. This just allowed them to say "I don't want you in here because you're gay".

Regardless, it's a non-issue in Arizona. The fact that it passed state Senate, however, is a bit unnerving.

Oh, it's that, not some new run at the same thing?
Fair enough, not a big deal then.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Just a FYI: as we are located in Arizona, local legislature is always something we keep on top of.

The Arizona law Esme refers to is a bill that was vetoed a few months ago by Gov. Jan Brewer. If passed, it allowed a business to refuse service to anyone on the grounds of religion or sexual preference.

It was a stupid law anyway, as any business has the right to refuse to service to anyone, for any reason. This just allowed them to say "I don't want you in here because you're gay".

Regardless, it's a non-issue in Arizona. The fact that it passed state Senate, however, is a bit unnerving.

Phew! I though that was going to be something like SB1070

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I am amused by the mental image of a über-gay businesses chain where all the employees are extremely flamboyant gay men. And any and all straight peeps are kicked out in a fabulous way.
post #169753

Lol, I imagined them saying something like "Oh, I'm sorry, darling. But you are not gay enough and I'm afraid you will have to leave. Right, girls?" then the others do that "*snap snap snap*" thing :P

if somebody can do that better, be my guest :P

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Surely killing all greedy capitalist pigs for Dear Leader will end imperialism?

"You can't fight ideas with bullets."

You're gonna need a big bomb.
Very big. Huge.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I am amused by the mental image of a über-gay businesses chain where all the employees are extremely flamboyant gay men. And any and all straight peeps are kicked out in a fabulous way.

Xch3l said:
Lol, I imagined them saying something like "Oh, I'm sorry, darling. But you are not gay enough and I'm afraid you will have to leave. Right, girls?" then the others do that "*snap snap snap*" thing :P

if somebody can do that better, be my guest :P

I fucking love you two XDDDDDDD

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
The pen is mightier than the sword, so we’ll issue our revolutionaries ballpoints.

What's this about a penis mightier?

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
The pen is mightier than the sword, so we’ll issue our revolutionaries ballpoints.

I pictured ballpoint-pen bullets and the tremendously silly loophole made me giggle.

Updated by anonymous

In a more serious opinion. I can only think they are doing this as a distraction. While you are making a fuzz about this law and doing a thousand one protests they are doing another law under your radar. One law that could be more profitable for them.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
It was a stupid law anyway, as any business has the right to refuse to service to anyone, for any reason. This just allowed them to say "I don't want you in here because you're gay".

Can't we just go back to the "No shirt, no shoes, no service" rule? Can't we just go back to 2000 before all this social / religious upheaval began? Back, back to the time where peoples feelings didn't matter as much...

Life, why art thou simple no more?..

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Solution: Become a survivalist or Amish.

Amish are some of the most religious people in the U.S. ya know.

Also to address OP's law, the law was not really needed because businesses, and people on private property can refuse service to anyone, so making a law that says the same thing, but just adding "because of religious stuff yadda yadda" doesn't really change what already was law.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Solution: Become a survivalist or Amish.

Pip Pip ta Doodly Doo!

Updated by anonymous

If I were American, I'd want to make moving to another country pretty high on my list of priorities too. Full disclosure; no generalization about any country will ever be wholey accurate, but you do notice trends in cultures...
When I was there I couldn't help but notice there was a subtle but omnipresent sensation of paranoia in everyone that would always come up in just little ways. As one of my friends put it - there's just no feeling of comradery between people (a cultural dynamic I'm basically going to pin on the cold war. there is no way to overstate how much crazy bullshit that was.)
... Which has of course lead to a nation of people desperate to fight for free though and work against the grain. Man of my personal heroes are American. On the flipside, for every great thinker there's 500 more who would sooner be fighting the status quo than actually think about what is is they're fighting for. This pushes quite some way towards radically polarized politics.
I honestly believe if you managed to do a one-on-one interview with every hick in Arizona, there'd be way less homophobes than anyone suspected. Group psychology is a fascinating and powerful thing. It only takes one charismatic asshole in a crowd of people too polite to disagree to make a lynch mob.

It also bugged me a lot that absolutely everything anyone did had some kind of agenda behind it. Everything that was done - be it kind or unkind - was because that person wanted to express some kind of ideal that needed to be adopted by other people (specifically; you.)
It has to be 'I returned your wallet because I need to show you that athiests can be good people TOO!' rather than 'I returned your wallet because you probably need it.'

... wow, I'm kinda ranting. I can actually talk about that country for a long time (and have done on many occasions!) I'm tired and should stop before I say something really dumb.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
How to prevent this:

Step 1: Walk into Arizona's legislature, mention Rastafarianism, and walk out.

Step 2: Enjoy watching dozens of politicians frantically backpedal as the proposal collapses.


Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
There is not an abundance of alternatives if you want to live the simple life without being a mountain hermit. Well, I guess you COULD be a mountain hermit, but the only human contact you’d have would probably be with a shotshell salesman.

I've never heard of a shotgun shell salesman. Maybe back in the 50's, but most people just order online OR, in the mountain hermit's case, fire up the ol' buggy and trot on down to the gun store.

Updated by anonymous

ALl that would happen is the law passes, the federal government tells them to cut the crap, if they refuse the military rolls in and Forces them to cut the crap, everything goes back to normal.

If you need proof of this, look up the "Crisis in little rock"

Updated by anonymous

i just want to get out of here and move to japan.

Updated by anonymous

I think I have a hunch as to why... But on the other hand that would perhaps be too predictable.

Updated by anonymous

imtootired said:
i just want to get out of here and move to japan.

Japan is an extremely sexist and patriarchal society, very homophobic, xenophobic and weird.

Updated by anonymous

imtootired said:
i just want to get out of here and move to japan.

Moon_Moon said:
Japan is an extremely sexist and patriarchal society, very homophobic, xenophobic and weird.

Come, visit Germany instead. Same as America; just without easy weapon laws, a less religious mind and we don´t have that many earthquakes, tornados and no hurricans here.

it´s an OK place to live, just a bit boring

Updated by anonymous

imtootired said:
i just want to get out of here and move to japan.

Japan will eat baka gaijin alive

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
ok first off best thread title ever but i'm gonna take a break from my usual sillyness for a second:

ok this. THIS is why over ¾'s of the world hates us and why I am ashamed to live in the United States sometimes... people use religion for an excuse for evevrything and as a self respecting homosexual man you can see why I have to say this pisses me off more than everything but really when people do this kind of discrimination against people based on unfairly forcing there religon on others and people who force there religon on others only holds that faith in a negative light building sterotypes like that certain religon being full of extremists and radicals...

[rant over]

But then we free the shit outta the three-fourths of the world

Updated by anonymous

AmericanExistence said:
But then we free the shit outta the three-fourths of the world

You just replied to a 2 month old post by someone who is banned now.
Well done.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
You just replied to a 2 month old post by someone who is banned now.
Well done.

Mmhmmm thanks I'm half asleep anywys say I don't notice that it was two months ago

Updated by anonymous

AmericanExistence said:
Mmhmmm thanks I'm half asleep anywys say I don't notice that it was two months ago

S'ok, made me giggle.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Why Japan, in particular?

i really like japan.

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
Come, visit Germany instead. Same as America; just without easy weapon laws, a less religious mind and we don´t have that many earthquakes, tornados and no hurricans here.

it´s an OK place to live, just a bit boring

seems like a nice place good food though german sounds funny when being yelled (srry if i offended you)

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Japan will eat baka gaijin alive

im no baka!

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Japan is an extremely sexist and patriarchal society, very homophobic, xenophobic and weird.

but anime and vocaloid

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Moon_Moon said:
Japan is ... very homophobic

Not exactly true. Not in the same sense as the western countries, anyway.

In Japan, what goes on in your bedroom is nobody else's business; and there's centuries of gay tradition. It's not considered immoral.

But family ties are considered to be of utmost importance. Even if you're gay, it's your duty to produce children. After you've done that, you can be as openly gay as you want.

So being gay is fine, but they are vehemently against gay marriage.

Updated by anonymous

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