Topic: Question for lore tags...

Posted under General

Ok, this... I still not to happy about it it's both useful and a hairball.

Two things, what's yo stop people from making lots of random lore tags? Lore for everyone's unique species, or such? Like furballs megrodite kiasura would get a gender tag of megrodite_(lore)?
Won't this get messy after a while?

And two,
Since we now have them, can the lore tags (and this is the only time I would even suggest it) be hooked into character tags?

Uh for example:

My character, Twilight_Silverleaf is a herm_(lore) but in several of my drawings she needs to be tagged as Male. I don't dispute this but if it wasn't me posting then someone might not know this fact and leave it at male never adding the lore tags.

Sorry bout all the Q&A's I've been gone from tagging duty and my activity on the sites pretty much been as a viewer for almost a year now due to my illness. Trying to get caught up on what I need to know if I'm going to upload more and start tagging again.

esme_belles said:
Two things, what's yo stop people from making lots of random lore tags? Lore for everyone's unique species, or such? Like furballs megrodite kiasura would get a gender tag of megrodite_(lore)?
Won't this get messy after a while?

Normal users can't add lore tags. Only admins can, and they'll vet every lore tag suggestion to determine if it's worth being added.

esme_belles said:
And two,
Since we now have them, can the lore tags (and this is the only time I would even suggest it) be hooked into character tags?

Uh for example:

My character, Twilight_Silverleaf is a herm_(lore) but in several of my drawings she needs to be tagged as Male. I don't dispute this but if it wasn't me posting then someone might not know this fact and leave it at male never adding the lore tags.

For that specific case at least, no. A character can still be drawn as a different sex. If someone draws Twilight_Silverleaf as a male, they shouldn't have herm_(lore) tagged on them (they would be itm_crossgender). The lore tags still depend on matching the individual pictures, it just allows information for what the artist/creator intended for the picture that may not be directly visible.

Whether or not there's any lore tags that could be implied from a character, I don't know. Though I can't think of any off the top of my head.

watsit said:
Normal users can't add lore tags. Only admins can, and they'll vet every lore tag suggestion to determine if it's worth being added.

Lore tag suggestions are made in topic #23515, by the way.

watsit said:
For that specific case at least, no. A character can still be drawn as a different sex. If someone draws Twilight_Silverleaf as a male, they shouldn't have herm_(lore) tagged on them (they would be itm_crossgender). The lore tags still depend on matching the individual pictures, it just allows information for what the artist/creator intended for the picture that may not be directly visible.

I think she means they're still technically herm in the image but they need to be TWYS-tagged as male because only the penis is visible, in which case herm_(lore) still applies as long as there's Word Of God that the character is herm in that image.

magnuseffect said:
I think she means they're still technically herm in the image but they need to be TWYS-tagged as male because only the penis is visible, in which case herm_(lore) still applies as long as there's Word Of God that the character is herm in that image.

They brought up "lore tags ... be hooked into character tags", i.e. characters tags implicating lore tags, with Twilight_Silverleaf being "hooked to" herm_(lore) as an example. Twilight Silverleaf could be drawn in a way that they clearly don't have or aren't intended to have a vagina or penis/balls or breasts, in which case herm_(lore) wouldn't be an appropriate tag.

watsit said:
They brought up "lore tags ... be hooked into character tags", i.e. characters tags implicating lore tags, with Twilight_Silverleaf being "hooked to" herm_(lore) as an example. Twilight Silverleaf could be drawn in a way that they clearly don't have or aren't intended to have a vagina or penis/balls or breasts, in which case herm_(lore) wouldn't be an appropriate tag.

Ugh, yeah, it took me a few different angles to get what your post is actually saying. My brain's kinda fried from bad weather and I probably shouldn't be posting anything.

magnuseffect said:
I think she means they're still technically herm in the image but they need to be TWYS-tagged as male because only the penis is visible, in which case herm_(lore) still applies as long as there's Word Of God that the character is herm in that image.

This is what I meant FYI...
Twi is always going to be herm, as it’s her base gender... but I get the way it’s used now at least. But it doesn’t make much sense for me then since I thought the lore tags were for things not visible in the image. Like a herm but with no coochie visible ect

For instance, my feral image that’s my icon. In the background is a picture of her in her anthro form, sheath, balls, boobs. But no coochie. I had to tag, male, dickgirl. And then added the herm lore tag due to both the description since she’s a herm

esme_belles said:
Twi is always going to be herm, as it’s her base gender... but I get the way it’s used now at least. But it doesn’t make much sense for me then since I thought the lore tags were for things not visible in the image. Like a herm but with no coochie visible ect

Yes, that's what it means, but an implication can only work if the link is always true. You'd have to guarantee that all portrayals of <character> are always intended to be <sex> (even if no genitals are visible) for an implication to be valid. No one else would ever draw them differently, and you could never change your mind, or else the implication would be untrue.

As a different example, Krystal's base gender/sex is female. That's what Nintendo/Rare created her as, always depict her as, and there's no indication that will ever change. However, that doesn't stop her from being depicted as a gynomorph or male or anything else, where female_(lore) would be incorrect (the sex-lore tags are only for clarification due to TWYS not recognizing certain details, like not seeing a vagina they're intended to have in the picture, the tags aren't for 'original sex' or the like).