Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

aobird said:
Guys, stop spamming the thread, this is not a bug. It's a network problem.

I mean I thought it was a software bug related to the site and not an actual problem with the site itself rather than what device I'm using, so don't look at me

rexthelucario said:
Where else are we gonna report the problem tho? It's a problem so just thought of doing it here, that's all

I was about to report the same problem just now because I just discovered same thing happening on my laptop phone and tablet. Good to know it's an issue for everyone atm and it's not just my shitty internet lol

Not exactly a bug, but a small feature that's got changed with the update: Tag search page no longer defaults to sorting by post count like it used to. It's not a big issue, but it's annoying having to switch that when it's what one is most likely to want when there.

iluvdawubz said:
I mean I thought it was a software bug related to the site and not an actual problem with the site itself rather than what device I'm using, so don't look at me

If only it was mentioned, like at the top or something, so people stop going to the bug report thread to report what seems like a bug.

Instead of adopting your thinking

This is not really a bug, but I don't know where the hell to ask this - what happened to 'Uploaded by' under post information? Is this a feature or was it just forgotten and will be implemented later? A bit odd considering you can still directly view what people uploaded.

kaik said:
This is not really a bug, but I don't know where the hell to ask this - what happened to 'Uploaded by' under post information? Is this a feature or was it just forgotten and will be implemented later? A bit odd considering you can still directly view what people uploaded.

It's the first item listed in forum #284382.

7thumbra said:
Blacklisted tags do not seem to be working...

Make sure you have different tags on different lines.
cat dog
will only blacklist images that have both tags on them,
cat dog
will blacklist images with either. Similarly, make sure you get your exclusions right:
cat -dog
will blacklist cat images unless they have a dog in them,
dog -cat
will blacklist dog images unless they have a cat in them.

My blacklisted tags follow the examples you have provided, and am still seeing these results show up when I am searching a different tag not directly related to my blacklisted tags.

7thumbra said:
… when I am searching a different tag not directly related to my blacklisted tags.

how about giving us a specific example scenario?
• the exact contents of your blacklist
• the exact search terms you're using
• which specific posts are visible despite matching your blacklist
• which OS+browser you're using, browser version, any extensions installed, etc.

I dont know if this is a bug or not but you cant use the keyboard shortcuts A&D to go the next image if you use the tag order:score

7thumbra said:
My blacklisted tags follow the examples you have provided, and am still seeing these results show up when I am searching a different tag not directly related to my blacklisted tags.

Sometimes the blacklist will say things are disabled when really they're not. Click "disable all" / "re-enable all" and that usually does the trick.

Clicking on reply in the comment section still brings you just to the top of the page half the time

Webms no longer loop for me on my new phone using Firefox and throw up the error "Video can't be played because the file is corrupt"

My old phone (Asus Zenfone 4, running Android 8, using both Chrome and firefox) never had this issue.

New phone is an Asus Zenfone 6 running Android 10, if I use Chrome Webms play and loop fine, but if I use Firefox then after they play through once that error pops up and I have to reload the page (and redownload the video) to play it again.
This happens on both the post page,
And the download page.
((Just using that one as an example, it happens with all Webms))
Uninstall and reinstall didn't fix.
Clearing cache, cookies, and all that didn't fix.
I like to keep NSFW off of Chrome so that I can pass my phone to friends and family to show them something safely, so any tips on getting this fixed would be greatly appreciated XD

When enabling tag script, a message pops up saying that numeric keys can be used to switch between different scripts. However, said functionality only works if enabled in the user configuration, but the message always displays, making me the misleadingly think I was doing something wrong when pressing the number keys didn't do anything.

The popup should be updated to display said message only if JavaScript navigation is enabled, and documented on the tag script wiki page how to enable it.

dythul said:
Webms no longer loop for me on my new phone using Firefox and throw up the error "Video can't be played because the file is corrupt"

My old phone (Asus Zenfone 4, running Android 8, using both Chrome and firefox) never had this issue.

New phone is an Asus Zenfone 6 running Android 10, if I use Chrome Webms play and loop fine, but if I use Firefox then after they play through once that error

which firefox version ?

no such problem for me in firefox 68.5 on Android 10

bipface said:
which firefox version ?

no such problem for me in firefox 68.5 on Android 10

68.9.0, latest version I can update too.
But it's been doing this for the past couple weeks, and across all the updates the app has had.
Edit: just did a bit of testing and can confirm that it is just E621 not looping Webms and giving the error. Other sites like gfycat that use that format loop fine.


Quoting comments that are below the score threshold set on your account consistently fails to actually copy the contents of the comment.

Soooo not sure if this is a bug or not, and not sure where to post this but I was looking for an animator on here that I cant find, I dont have any tags blacklisted, and he made two animations, that seemed to be made in Second Life. One involved a mouse and his mother and another was called burbs and bees which had a thick horse and a giraffe, I cant find them at all now.

dj5137 said:
Soooo not sure if this is a bug or not, and not sure where to post this but I was looking for an animator on here that I cant find, I dont have any tags blacklisted, and he made two animations, that seemed to be made in Second Life. One involved a mouse and his mother and another was called burbs and bees which had a thick horse and a giraffe, I cant find them at all now.

I'm guessing that post #2275665 was one of them. If so, it's been deleted, as screencaps of second life are considered low-quality content.

jakxxx3 said:
I'm guessing that post #2275665 was one of them. If so, it's been deleted, as screencaps of second life are considered low-quality content.

yea thats the one! there is another one too that was by the same guy, I just can't find that video anywhere else.


Former Staff

Tag history search no longer allows searching by rating changes. Doesn't get any results, or erratic results that don't contain any rating changes.

(I'm relatively sure that this was possible on the old site, but maybe I'm just misremembering..)

genjar said:
Tag history search no longer allows searching by rating changes. Doesn't get any results, or erratic results that don't contain any rating changes.

(I'm relatively sure that this was possible on the old site, but maybe I'm just misremembering..)

I'm not sure if this was an option before, but I see value in it. I'll see if there is a way to add this using the current data structures.

dythul said:
68.9.0, latest version I can update too.
But it's been doing this for the past couple weeks, and across all the updates the app has had.
Edit: just did a bit of testing and can confirm that it is just E621 not looping Webms and giving the error. Other sites like gfycat that use that format loop fine.

here's what i suggest trying:
• go to a post page and confirm the error occurs ( post #2286230 )
• go to the same video file directly and see what happens ( )
• go to the same video file on another site and see what happens ( )
• download the video and open it in firefox from your filesystem and see what happens ( file:///sdcard/ )

that should help narrow-down the problem

bipface said:
A lot of stuff, go read it~

Ok so it must be a problem with Firefox then.
Problem does still exist on E621, happens on Danbooru's Webm files, and happens to locally played Webms on the App.
(I did not know you could access the Android file system like that on brower apps, knew windows could but not Android)
So I guess all I can do is wait for a fix on Mozilla's side?

dythul said:
So I guess all I can do is wait for a fix on Mozilla's side?

you could go to about:support and
• in the 'graphics' section see if there's anything that mentions features being disabled/unavailable
• in the 'important modified preferences' section see if there's anything related to media, graphics, layers, rendering, etc.

maybe try going to about:config, search for media.seamless-looping and set it to false; see if that helps

you could also try installing firefox beta or nightly versions

Hi, everytime i try to use the api with a python request method:

filesJson = requests.get(self.url).json()

I obtain this error:

Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Seems like the Json response have an unrecognized format for .json method in python and it cant parse it, someone know what can i do?

now i see that i need an user-agent to do a request to the api using python programming language, how can i configure one?

This is the response i obtain when i try to use the api:

<h1>403 Access Denied - Oh no!</h1>
<h2>If you were using a script/program you found to try and download content, it's likely that the script was what resulted in your request being blocked.
Have you perhaps tried <a href="" rel="nofollow">Grabber</a> instead?
It's great, and probably does what you want! But is unfortunately partially broken after the site update, give it a few days and it should be updated to work with the new site.</h2>

<p>There are a few different reasons that you can run into this message:<br>
<li>You have not updated your application to use the new API urls and response formats. See <a href="#1">#1</a></li>
<li>You are using an outdated program that makes use of bad practices or old API endpoints. See <a href="#2">#2</a></li>
<li>Your applications user agent is incorrectly configured. See <a href="#3">#3</a></li>
<li>Something else, I've checked the above 3 and they don't apply to me. See <a href="#4">#4</a></li>

<h3 id="1">#1 Outdated API usage</h3>
<p>We updated our codebase quite drastically in March 2020. As the result of no shared code between the old and new site, the API changed, both in response format and urls. You need to update your application to use the new API urls and response formats.</p>

<h3 id="2">#2 Outdated application</h3>
<p>You likely can't resolve this problem yourself, as the application you are using needs to be updated. Please contact the author, or find another, more up to date tool.</p>
<h3 id="3">#3 Bad User-Agent usage</h3>
<p>If you are attempting to use the API you may be seeing this if your user agent is not in line with our user agent policy.
The default user agent for many programming languages and libraries have been blocked for abuse.
Please see the wiki page for the API for additional details.</p>

<h3 id="4">#4 Something else, probably abusive behavior</h3>
<p>If you repeatedly see this message you should stop all access attempts and contact us so that the problem can be resolved.</p>
<p>If none of the above apply to you, then you have likely been blocked manually after review. These blocks <b>DO NOT EXPIRE.</b> You will need to contact us to have it removed.</p>
<p>You can reach us at management (at) e621 (dot) net</p>
<p>Please include your ip address, the time you received this message and what you were doing at the time. We will respond as quickly as possible.</p>


genjar said:
Tag history search no longer allows searching by rating changes. Doesn't get any results, or erratic results that don't contain any rating changes.

(I'm relatively sure that this was possible on the old site, but maybe I'm just misremembering..)

Added this along with parent id, since both are in the data model and effectively free to search for.

has there been any headway on fixing the sites api so that mobile apps can understand it? figure i should log in once a month and see if anyone cares.

forsaken621-2 said:
has there been any headway on fixing the sites api so that mobile apps can understand it? figure i should log in once a month and see if anyone cares.

That's up to the app owners to work on. The site API isn't going to revert back to how it was to conform to the needs of legacy applications. There was no stability guarantee on it, and there continues to be no stability guarantees on it.

kiranoot said:
That's up to the app owners to work on. The site API isn't going to revert back to how it was to conform to the needs of legacy applications. There was no stability guarantee on it, and there continues to be no stability guarantees on it.

are you sure that’s an app issue? i’ve tried quite a few different apps and they all return blank screens out error codes.

forsaken621-2 said: are you sure that’s an app issue? i’ve tried quite a few different apps and they all return blank screens out error codes.

If these apps didn't update to the new API, then they won't work, obviously. Fixing "blank screens and error codes" is on them.
e1547 works fine, for example.

bitwolfy said:
If these apps didn't update to the new API, then they won't work, obviously. Fixing "blank screens and error codes" is on them.
e1547 works fine, for example.

interesting. Guess i’ll stop asking about this then. Now just gotta figure out how to install 1547 on my iphone.

forsaken621-2 said: interesting. Guess i’ll stop asking about this then. Now just gotta figure out how to install 1547 on my iphone.

I think that e1547 is for android, unfortunately.
Maybe you should ask the developers of the apps that don't work for you if they are planning to fix them?

Ok, first of all, I'm on windows 10.

I use incognito mode to log into e6 and when I put in my log in info it starts loading, and doesn't stop. It keeps loading forever until I press another tab and then it logs me in.

Not that bad, its just a bit of a nuisance.

Sometime in the last few months, the order:desclength tag has stopped working for me. All other sorting tags function just fine, but when I use the order:desclength tag, the search results are unchanged, as if order:id was applied rather than order:desclength.

This might be an actual issue, or it may just be me overlooking something obvious. Regardless, it would be nice to figure out what's wrong.


Former Staff

kiranoot said:
I'm not sure if this was an option before, but I see value in it. I'll see if there is a way to add this using the current data structures.

Thank you for implementing this. There is one issue that makes it less useful, though: the Rating Changed To-field locates posts that have been initially rated with the selected rating, instead of just changes. It's not a major issue though, the changes are relatively easy to spot when browsing the list. It just takes a lot of scrolling.

When I try to vote on a forum post that supports that feature (such as a tag alias), I get the following message in the console:

Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'nonce-8/whwF7u/4WTYqkBYGjT3Q=='". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-z1iY6OypvjMkCm++dk4VQOXikHQys25df+Qom7jYDGw='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.

The vote itself appears to not have worked at first, but my name does appear among the voters on page reload.
Windows 10 & MacOS 10.14 / Chrome 83 / All userscripts & styles off
The issue is not present in Firefox.

It's not exactly a site-breaking problem, but somewhat annoying.


I wanted to add a small indicator to show blacklisted images when the blacklist is disabled on the /posts page
Unfortunately it seems like every element has the "blacklisted" class, even those that are not matching the blacklist.


.blacklisted { opacity: 0.2; }

Expected result with the blacklist toggled off:
All elements/thumbnails that had the "blacklisted-active" class get their opacity reduced.

Actual result:
Every element/thumbnail gets their opacity reduced.


Former Staff

It took me this long to notice, but flagged posts now have blue frame (same as unapproved) instead of usual red. Intended, or a bug?

genjar said:
It took me this long to notice, but flagged posts now have blue frame (same as unapproved) instead of usual red. Intended, or a bug?

there are also ones with yellow and blue or green and blue.

genjar said: It took me this long to notice, but flagged posts now have blue frame (same as unapproved) instead of usual red. Intended, or a bug?

This seems to be intentional. The flag borders are blue instead of red when not in the modqueue.
However, this change has been made three years ago? Either I'm missing something, or something else changed that made this kick in recently.

Sort:Desclength does not affect the search results, even when clicking it directly from the help page.

Tag Wikis broke just a few minutes ago. Going to any Wiki page gives Invalid page number. Log ID: (none)

crocogator said:
Tag Wikis broke just a few minutes ago. Going to any Wiki page gives Invalid page number. Log ID: (none)

Whoops, missed an edge case for when page numbers come from internal code. Fixed it up.

When editing tags on a post using Edit mode, it says "Post #undefined updated" when clicking Submit.

kemonokichigai said:
ordfav is still broken, I can't see pictures in the order they were favorited on

The search system does not know the order of favorites. Please use the favorites page under the posts menu for ordered favorites. It is not possible to search among favorites and retain their order at this time.

watsit said:
When editing tags on a post using Edit mode, it says "Post #undefined updated" when clicking Submit.

WHoops, broke this by mistake when fixing others bugs. Figured I fix something and it breaks something else. Will put a fix in soon.


Former Staff

kiranoot said:
I see it both in your flag history linked from your profile and in the link you posted, where it's there, but not marked as resolved. Where are you looking that it's not appearing for you?

I see it when I search by the post ID (as in the above link), but it's missing from the Changes Flags on my profile, which links to:

The newest flag I see on that list is from 2020-5-21, while this one was flagged on 2020-6-26.


genjar said:
I see it when I search by the post ID (as in the above link), but it's missing from the Changes Flags on my profile, which links to:

The newest flag I see on that list is from 2020-5-21, while this one was flagged on 2020-6-26.

I need to talk with a few other staff members about this, because it seems to be part of some weird maybe not that well thought out or enforced anti-abuse measure from Danbooru that I need to check if we want to keep/revise.

Is there any chance of getting the no-Unicode-in-tags rule reversed, especially since existing tags aren't posing any problem? It's kind of farcicial when I can't create a tag for alien_(pokéstar_studios), when the pokémon tag itself has no fewer than two hundred and eighteen thousand posts.

genjar said:
Thank you for implementing this. There is one issue that makes it less useful, though: the Rating Changed To-field locates posts that have been initially rated with the selected rating, instead of just changes.

That would be because uploads are themselves counted as "tag changes" internally, which has always been the case. It would be nice to have the option to filter them out when listing post changes.

lafcadio said:
As of today, it seems that favoriting a post adds it to my favorites without actually making it show up in searches including fav:Lafcadio. post #2324726 and post #2324788 both exhibit this behavior.

crocogator said:
Seeing the same behavior with sets. Also mentioned by another user in

I'm guessing that the search is just slow to update today. The posts mentioned (post #2324726 and post #2324788) did get added to fav:Lafcadio, it just took a little while.
I noticed the same issue when I was trying to resolve a couple *_(disambiguation) tags today. Ran into a situation where I removed a tag from a post, but the search still returned it in the results.


Former Staff

I'd guess that there's just some queue from all the pending aliases/implications, so everything is updating very slowly at the moment.

For instance, I fixed some mistags, but the posts still show up when I search for the old tag. Even though they don't have those tags anymore..



Former Staff

Just noticed that Former Staff rank can no longer use colored text in comments. Hardly a big loss, but I just thought I'd mention it. No idea if lower ranks still can, it used to be Priv+.

It was occasionally useful for highlighting text such as ratings.

genjar said:
Just noticed that Former Staff rank can no longer use colored text in comments. Hardly a big loss, but I just thought I'd mention it. No idea if lower ranks still can, it used to be Priv+.

It was occasionally useful for highlighting text such as ratings.

My old comments that used colored text don't have their colors showing anymore either, like this one. (It had red and cyan text.)

@Genjar @BooruHitomi

this should be green but I don't think color is working for anyone


Former Staff

odisaodi said:
@Genjar @BooruHitomi

this should be green but I don't think color is working for anyone

Hm, looks like it.
Still works in the wiki, but I guess that's the only place it works now...

genjar said:
Hm, looks like it.
Still works in the wiki, but I guess that's the only place it works now...

As color is something added for e6(doesn't exist in danbooru) I haven't gone through and added it to all of the places that it could be used. I'll have to do that some time this weekend. I also need to check that user ranks are available in all of the locations that they used to be available, as that's the historical deciding factor for if it's enabled.

wat8548 said:
That would be because uploads are themselves counted as "tag changes" internally, which has always been the case. It would be nice to have the option to filter them out when listing post changes.

Assuming the version numbers are visible to the Rating Changed To field (or could be made visible) then excluding version 1 could do it. I'm not sure of the technical challenge to implement that though.

Don't mind me, I'm just here to quickly submit a small bug report for the artist tag skiba613. The post count for the tag seems to stay at 3, even though there are several dozen posts under this artist tag.

Almost every time I visit the site and browse a few images my wifi drops for a moment then returns. Wired connection stays on just fine, however webms occasionally don't work after the drop. This is my own personal internet connection and I am the only one who lives at my house or uses my internet