Consistently missing the point, and I'm not really sure why this is the primary argument. What's so bad about calling a site by what it's obviously being used for? Are people really going around telling friends and family "bro I go on e621 but it's totally not for the porn, it's definitely not a furry porn website, yeah the front page might be plastered with 90% porn and yeah it might be owned by a company that makes animal dildos but— no you don't understand wait—" Seriously, who are we trying to convince? This argument is silly.
darryus said:
you say that but there's a lot more porn-focused websites than e6 and they have more or less totally non-cringe comment sections, and they don't even have rules against it. and in general I think that comments in the "god, I wish that were me" are generally unuseful to having comment sections that contain competent discussion and I think trying to discourage comments like that is almost universally good.
I'm not sure what websites you're referring to, but I'd imagine they have a lot less comments in general, considering e621 is the largest furry porn site... Idk, I don't really see the merit in the creepy comments rule as it stands. It's very subjective, maybe not as much now, but still. If people don't like a comment, they'll downvote it. If an 'inappropriate' comment is getting upvoted, then maybe what you consider appropriate shouldn't be forcibly applied to everyone else.
Look, I'm not entirely against the idea of quality control for comments. I get that there are some really unnecessarily descriptive and vulgar comments that get left. But as it stands, this rule is just too strict and arbitrary. A lot of the time, it's just people making funny jokes and getting a laugh out of others that stumble across it. Take these ones for example. Were they really worthy of a warning? 10 upvotes say otherwise. For mild stuff like these, why not just let people have their fun? If you don't like comments like that, just downvote them and move on.
Oh, the 'no roleplaying' rule also has similar issues of people getting warned for quotes that are quite obviously jokes and not them attempting to start a roleplay session, but that's an argument for another time.