was looking for some mistagged pictures(gotta get a good reputation :P) so i searched for "breast_milking -breasts" because how you gonna do breastmilking without breasts?
Long story short: There is a problem with the tag definition. The wiki specificly states: breasts (teats, udders, etc.) of a character . So it is stated the character must have one of these features.
But then there are pictures like this or this.
They are tagged with breast_milking and don´t show any of the previously mentioned features.
The reason for that is that the tag milking is aliased to breast_milking. That´s kind of a problem is´nt it?
My suggestion would be to remove the alias of milking to breast_milking and let the tag breast_milking implicate the tag breasts.
Or we rename breast_milking to milking and change the wiki description.