Topic: What makes you angry?

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BlueDingo said:
Do you suffer from mondayitis?

I think my doctor did say something about that..didn't take him seriously. Should I be?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I've never received a chain letter before. Not sure if that makes me lucky or lonely...

Edit: This is more annoying than angering, but... Repetitive lyrics in songs, especially when it's the same 5-10 words over and over again.

I whip my hair back and forth.
I whip my hair back and forth.
I whip my hair back and forth.
I whip my hair ba- ALRIGHT! WE FUCKIN' GET IT!

Other offenders include "Black And Yellow" by Wiz Khalifa and "Nigga Nigga Nigga" by Gangsta Rap. As a general rule, if the song repeats itself too much within the first ten seconds, I just switch it off. Even "This Is The Song That Doesn’t End" from Lamb Chop's Play-Along isn't that repetitive, and that one doesn't end.

BlueDingo said:
They've been doing that for over 50 years.

But seriously though that shit is annoying, I'm convinced they just write ten seconds of "music" and then just put it on a loop for five minutes.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
But seriously though that shit is annoying, I'm convinced they just write ten seconds of "music" and then just put it on a loop for five minutes.

And that's assume they actually write it. Half of the time, they're stealing sampling other people's audio.

I forgot that I posted that.

Updated by anonymous

Speaking of sampling, another thing that annoys me is when the samples they use contain lyrics. Playing lyrics on top of lyrics just creates an illegible mess that's not pleasant to listen to yet people keep doing it.

Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci

I take no responsibility for any mental damage you sustain from clicking that link.[/sub]

Updated by anonymous

FoxFourOhFour said:
And yet no one ever points out the fact they have mouths, And TEETH, But drink gas.

We have an appendix and gallbladder, both vestigial organs that serve no purpose anymore except to kill us if left alone in some people.

And also for 49% of us, what's on our chest is vestigial.

And for the part of the remaining 51% that went through menopause, every reproductive organ except the ones also used in the excretory system is vestigial.

Updated by anonymous

Trying to memorize the structure of every macromolocule and functional group except for suflhydryl within 2 days.


Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
We have an appendix and gallbladder, both vestigial organs that serve no purpose anymore except to kill us if left alone in some people.

And also for 49% of us, what's on our chest is vestigial.

And for the part of the remaining 51% that went through menopause, every reproductive organ except the ones also used in the excretory system is vestigial.


Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
u: all repetitive songs are bad

Depends on what and by who. Barbie Girl, Don't You Go Chasin' No Waterfall, and "Blue-da-be-da-be-da" got old after the first two times. Like MmmmBop ba-daba-doo, heyuyeah-yeah! Songs like that are good fodder for psychological warfare.

Problem is a lot of Radio Disney style artists are trying to reinvent the "catchy song" wheel, and it's sadly not working. Gooooo, I'm going to make the catchiest song by saying the same silly lyrics over and over.

If Robert Patton and Taylor Lateran had made a hip hop song together with the lyrics going; "I'mma a wolf(Rrrrawr), I'mma vampire(Gerrr). They would've have made a lot of money.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
and it means they could have once needed it and now don't. teeth are vestigial for them.

*chews through a piece of steak* hm? who needs teeth? :P

Updated by anonymous

speaking of vestigial, were you all aware that retractile penises have long-since been vestigial for humans? sea (and some land)-species that have common genitalia see the males keep theirs inside of the body for protection. most land creatures see theirs shrink absurdly low and sheath itself in a protective layer. being the apex predators and mostly-due to wearing clothing for many myriaannums, most men now see their penises just sag loosely as their is no further need to naturally protect it from the environment.

it's always so tickling to see evolution deniers try to explain the vestigial. such as appendixes and caruncles and tail remnants, or actual adapted genetic trait shifts throughout our recorded history; such as the rise in base intelligence and brain size, the steady decline in males with retractile penises, the genetic hiccups that rarely lead children to be born with traits such as webbed hands and feet, etc.

who in this age actually doesn't recognize the glaring factuality of evolution? probably the same legions of people who claim the cyanide in fruit pits was their god's way of preventing cancer in us and cyanide being classified as toxic is a satanic government ploy to kill people with cancer. or even more hilarious, those who believe in the concept of "free will". bahahahaha

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
No one.

*sees title* OH...NASTY! ewwww... wtf?

notawerewolf said:
speaking of vestigial, were you all aware that retractile penises have long-since been vestigial for humans? sea (and some land)-species that have common genitalia see the males keep theirs inside of the body for protection. most land creatures see theirs shrink absurdly low and sheath itself in a protective layer. being the apex predators and mostly-due to wearing clothing for many myriaannums, most men now see their penises just sag loosely as their is no further need to naturally protect it from the environment.

and yet some see that natural protective layer of skin as bad or wrong or unnatural and seek to have it removed for certain...reasons...

the increased intelligence point for humans remains questionable to this day.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
and yet some see that natural protective layer of skin as bad or wrong or unnatural and seek to have it removed for certain...reasons...

the increased intelligence point for humans remains questionable to this day.

ah, i too support anti-circumcision. unfortunately, despite all the first world's countries' blathering about individual > group rights, male genital mutilation will be last to be addressed because "oh no upset jews"

Doomguy666 said:
Ooh you sure showed me by listening to music that has been very popular since the eighties, way to think for your self.

calling someone a sheeple because they listen to a band that's popular? sir, i'm going to need a lot less edge on that. please go back and cover that post with some child-proof cushions, merci

also, in case it wasn't glaringly obvious, "me, and intellectual" is a widely-used meme.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
No one.

I have a protein deficiency and a returning issue with the Thyroid burning through it faster than I can eat. I need teeth. All 31.5 of mine. My diet is "if you aren't eating, you're either sleeping or dead." Without teeth I can't do that, and that means without them I would die.

And I guess this is an entry in this thread too. I hate that my Hyperthyroidism is back. Was never really gone but it was manageable. Not anymore. One again my parents are saying weighing less than half what my build should weigh is in my head, as well as no longer recognizing my own reflection because of how fast it is. Except when it isn't in my head and I must be Anorexic even though I am always eating, always thinking about eating, and always terrified of starving, and was the one to point out in the first place I am dangerously underweight.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
ah, i too support anti-circumcision. unfortunately, despite all the first world's countries' blathering about individual > group rights, male genital mutilation will be last to be addressed because "oh no upset jews"

that and feminazis who hate the very mention of men's rights and problems. >.> but misandry doesn't exist, does it feminazis?

what is this "peaceful protest" you speak of? all the peaceful protests i've seen or heard of in recent years end in violence and rioting.

would be nice if things in this world were...pleasant. :/

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Doomguy666 said:
Ooh you sure showed me by listening to music that has been very popular since the eighties, way to think for your self.

>taking notawerewolf seriously

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
would be nice if things in this world were...pleasant. :/

What's a pleasant? Some kind of bird?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that and feminazis who hate the very mention of men's rights and problems. >.> but misandry doesn't exist, does it feminazis?

precisely. i'm not one to join in on the rage-boner bandwagon over dumb girls on the internet whining about nothing. but it is rather vile how feminists legitimately attack projects meant to improve the lives of men. could have just been a rumor, but i've heard many mentions of them rioting and eventually destroying the only male abuse centre in the US.

you can say retarded things all you like and idgaf. but i keep my pimp hand stronk for when people try to worsen the lives of other groups

Ratte said:
>taking notawerewolf seriously

bush did 9/11. obama is a terrorist. trump is the antichrist. the government is reptiles.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

notawerewolf said:
bush did 9/11. obama is a terrorist. trump is the antichrist. the government is reptiles.


Updated by anonymous

These end of the world morons who think a fucking planet is going to collide with Earth on Saturday. They think it's going to just hit Earth without anyone knowing that it's coming. They think NASA is covering it up because they're fucking crazy. If there were a planet hurtling towards Earth, we would know. Not only would NASA satellites and probes pick it up, but we would be able to see it with the naked eye. On top of that, NASA would have no reason to hide something like that. I can't fucking stand these people. All they do is scare people. It's like they want the world to end, just so they can be right. I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit. Of course, they also claimed that the August eclipse was the first sign. Of course they claimed that the natural disasters that have killed countless people were signs. Fucking morons.

Updated by anonymous

When don't these morons claim a natural disaster is a sign of the apocalypse? The same thing happened in 2012 when Queensland got hit a few times.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
When don't these morons claim a natural disaster is a sign of the apocalypse? The same thing happened in 2012 when Queensland got hit a few times.

They've been claiming the apocalypse is coming long before that and have been pretty much every day since then. In 2011, this old pastor fuckwit named Harold Camping claimed the world was ending the same year. He made two bullshit predictions. He first predicted the world would end on May 21st. When the world didn't end, he changed his presiction to October 21st, 2011. He had a massive billboard near Chicago that pissed me off. Thankfully, the wrinkly old fucker is dead. I hope he's rotting in the ground.
While I do find the vast majority of apocalypse predictions to be complete bullshit, the ones that are several millions of years in the future are fascinating, yet terrifying. Just imagining that the universe will one day cease to exist is hard to fathom.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
These end of the world morons who think a fucking planet is going to collide with Earth on Saturday. They think it's going to just hit Earth without anyone knowing that it's coming. They think NASA is covering it up because they're fucking crazy. If there were a planet hurtling towards Earth, we would know. Not only would NASA satellites and probes pick it up, but we would be able to see it with the naked eye. On top of that, NASA would have no reason to hide something like that. I can't fucking stand these people. All they do is scare people. It's like they want the world to end, just so they can be right. I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit. Of course, they also claimed that the August eclipse was the first sign. Of course they claimed that the natural disasters that have killed countless people were signs. Fucking morons.

o_O has a Doomsayer ever once been correct? all of human history? lol that's like the preacher on the side of the street waving a bell while wearing a sign saying "X is a sin!" and no, not trying to start anything with that last bit but it is kinda funny.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
o_O has a Doomsayer ever once been correct? all of human history? lol that's like the preacher on the side of the street waving a bell while wearing a sign saying "X is a sin!" and no, not trying to start anything with that last bit but it is kinda funny.

I'm sure that in ancient times, when people had no idea what eclipses were, the people who were able to recognize "hey the moon will block out the sun tomorrow" were the ones who would holler out something about the sun going dark the next day, but labled Doomsayers for it.

Updated by anonymous

Doomsaying seems as traditional among our species as fear. The primary religion of the western world itself is wrought with the like; impossible prophecies and speculations of disaster.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
These end of the world morons who think a fucking planet is going to collide with Earth on Saturday. They think it's going to just hit Earth without anyone knowing that it's coming. They think NASA is covering it up because they're fucking crazy. If there were a planet hurtling towards Earth, we would know. Not only would NASA satellites and probes pick it up, but we would be able to see it with the naked eye. On top of that, NASA would have no reason to hide something like that. I can't fucking stand these people. All they do is scare people. It's like they want the world to end, just so they can be right. I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit. Of course, they also claimed that the August eclipse was the first sign. Of course they claimed that the natural disasters that have killed countless people were signs. Fucking morons.

If a planet were that close, not only would we see it with the naked eye, we would literally feel it. In the form of gravity already having killed us.

Updated by anonymous

The thing about doomsayers that always cracks me up is when they claim they "Counted up all the <x> in the bible and came to a special number." Considering the bible's put together from many unrelated authors and documents from differing time periods.

It'd be like putting together different newspapers from different cities out of chronological order than shitting yourself when you count up all the word jumbles and get "Jesus is coming back!".

Updated by anonymous

FoxFourOhFour said:
The thing about doomsayers that always cracks me up is when they claim they "Counted up all the <x> in the bible and came to a special number." Considering the bible's put together from many unrelated authors and documents from differing time periods.

It'd be like putting together different newspapers from different cities out of chronological order than shitting yourself when you count up all the word jumbles and get "Jesus is coming back!".

The bible has even been rewritten to change stories, remove stories, or add stories to include the morals that the zealots in charge wanted to spread and get rid of the ones they wanted gone.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
The bible has even been rewritten to change stories, remove stories, or add stories to include the morals that the zealots in charge wanted to spread and get rid of the ones they wanted gone.

One version is literally named after a politician. King James.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
The bible has even been rewritten to change stories, remove stories, or add stories to include the morals that the zealots in charge wanted to spread and get rid of the ones they wanted gone.

not to mention the catholics assembled the bible. taking the accounts of renown followers of Jesus they combed through the most popular prophetic Jewish literature and decided "if we don't see a contradiction with one of these and what these dudes said Jesus said, it's definitely not a prophecy anymore 100% word of god"

the bible mainly consists of Jewish writings that were never thought to be infallible until the beginning catholic church decided they were. hilariously, you end up getting shit like "the moon creates its own light", "the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem (lol not where Jesus was born)", and all kinds of crazy shit.

Revelations will always make me giggle. Parables about creation > History and superstitious folklore of the early followers of Yahweh > really nice Jewish bastard whos followers claim Divinity of > followers define edict on new beliefs for Judaic sect that heralds Jesus as the Messiah > CRAZY FEVER DREAM EVERYONE IS DYING MONSTERS EVERYWHERE JESUS CHOPPIN EVERYONE IN HALF SCROLLS FLOODS HORSEMEN ANGELS AHDAPOFJWEOEFHSOGFAHEPOFOAHRAP

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
not to mention the catholics assembled the bible. taking the accounts of renown followers of Jesus they combed through the most popular prophetic Jewish literature and decided "if we don't see a contradiction with one of these and what these dudes said Jesus said, it's definitely not a prophecy anymore 100% word of god"

the bible mainly consists of Jewish writings that were never thought to be infallible until the beginning catholic church decided they were. hilariously, you end up getting shit like "the moon creates its own light", "the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem (lol not where Jesus was born)", and all kinds of crazy shit.

Revelations will always make me giggle. Parables about creation > History and superstitious folklore of the early followers of Yahweh > really nice Jewish bastard whos followers claim Divinity of > followers define edict on new beliefs for Judaic sect that heralds Jesus as the Messiah > CRAZY FEVER DREAM EVERYONE IS DYING MONSTERS EVERYWHERE JESUS CHOPPIN EVERYONE IN HALF SCROLLS FLOODS HORSEMEN ANGELS AHDAPOFJWEOEFHSOGFAHEPOFOAHRAP

You're thinking of Christianity. Catholicism is one branch of Christianity. And I know it seems like they are the same thing, but that's because it's basically like a favorite football team at this point.

Hilariously enough, the whole point was to go from "the letter" to "the spirit". Like anything, including specifically denouncing following ones own lesson to the letter, you get people who understand what the point was and follow the spirit of the message and people who follow the letter of it. And a lot of the time both at once for the same person. And it applies to everything, even outside religion. Politics, business, economics, bureaucracy (especially that), law, basically everything. No matter how carefully someone teaches anything, regardless of the subject, it will be vulnerable to human error. The person teaching it, the medium in which it is taught, the person learning it, repeat without rinsing until you get the most recent. It's one of the reasons branches exist. It's like Randal Monroe showed in xkcd about making a universal standard.

Updated by anonymous

suit yourself: SECRET CODE?

well...this is bad. pretty sure this is one of those things that's been around for a while now and has only just recently started getting more attention thanks to people like suit.

oh and i took a look at the comments of 3-4 of the videos those search results show on youtube. they may be in russian or spanish or some other language other than english but google translate can show what they're saying and i'm fairly certain a good number are indeed pedophiles.

shame the youtube reporting system doesn't have something specifically for those types of people and the channels hosting said videos. i'd report for sexual or inappropriate content but the videos aren't necessarily sexual in nature so that doesn't quite fit.

um...that's likely not the only thing hidden in russian on youtube too. there's probably other stuff that shouldn't be there.

Updated by anonymous

Tried looking up platformer games recently and holy shit. Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after fuckin' Mario clone! Oh, and a Meat Boy clone.

It's so hard to find some good, original platformer games when half the results are blatant Mario clones. Many of them even seem to be the same game with different skins, and have "Adventure" in the title for some reason.

Searching for puzzle games is not much better, with so many Bejewled clones out there that they have their own genre now.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Tried looking up platformer games recently and holy shit. Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after fuckin' Mario clone! Oh, and a Meat Boy clone.

It's so hard to find some good, original platformer games when half the results are blatant Mario clones. Many of them even seem to be the same game with different skins, and have "Adventure" in the title for some reason.

Searching for puzzle games is not much better, with so many Bejewled clones out there that they have their own genre now.

uh...what platform are you looking for? i mean, mobile, PC, or what? if oc then i would direct you to gamefaqs. if mobile then you're on your own unfortunately.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Tried looking up platformer games recently and holy shit. Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after Mario clone after fuckin' Mario clone! Oh, and a Meat Boy clone.

It's so hard to find some good, original platformer games when half the results are blatant Mario clones. Many of them even seem to be the same game with different skins, and have "Adventure" in the title for some reason.

Searching for puzzle games is not much better, with so many Bejewled clones out there that they have their own genre now.

just randomly clicked one of the links and saw a negative review that read: "so bright colors. make me very confuse"

and christ i'd heard that app stores were 90% garbage and 10% garbage rip offs but that just might be the most shameless knock off i've ever seen

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
uh...what platform are you looking for? i mean, mobile, PC, or what? if oc then i would direct you to gamefaqs. if mobile then you're on your own unfortunately.

Mobile. My PC isn't good enough for the majority of PC games, nor can my internet connection handle downloading the larger ones.

Another thing that annoys me about Google Play is almost every app on the site has more 5* ratings than anything else, leading to the overall score being higher than 4 no matter how bad the app is. Now, I either ignore the 5* ratings (using 4* to gauge an app's quality is more accurate here) or use Metacritic (which has very few mobile games on it).

For example, Dungeon and Girls is rated 4.5 on Google Play but only has a Metacritic score of 70 based on 1 review. I trust 148apps's 3.5/5 over Google Play's 4.5/5. Excluding the 5* ratings from the GP score leads to a 3.6/4#, which is more accurate.


Updated by anonymous

the Elemental Workshop line of quests in Runescape is my least favorite quest line in the series, and the 3rd and 4th quests in the series really bother me since they are the most tedious puzzles in the entire game, and this is saying something considering how the Mourning's End Part II light puzzle is also considered one of the worst parts of Runescape quests.

Updated by anonymous

any time i see a video on youtube about the "scariest mod" or game and somewhere, either in the video or description, hear mention of it being based on or inspired by slenderman games or similar ones.

that usually means the mod or game in question is crap and relies on cheap jump scares to scare people. saw one earlier and as soon as i saw the words "inspired by slenderman games" i knew exactly what to expect:

1. jump scares consisting of sudden loud bursts of audio and static on the screen with a random monster thrown in for good measure.

and 2. cringey mock scared acting from the person who made and uploaded the video. and i mean cringey like pewdiepie fake fear acting from several years ago.

another video i saw a while back (which was only slightly creepy) was scarier than this garbage. and all that one had was largely blank grey textures for the ground, walls, ceiling, etc. and infinitely spawning killer baby heads. oh and no audio except maybe from the floating baby heads.

i would say that one was slightly creepy and downright terrifying for the PC running the mod cause endlessly spawning mobs (like, potentially 10,000+ if you use the invincibility cheat and just sit there for a bit.) like that would just steadily chew through your resource usage.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
any time i see a video on youtube

/end thread

feel like the jaded old hag. ever since 2009 youtube it's all gone to complete shit. google came in and mucked everything up with weird politics and awful design choices. every moron under the sun cramped it with cancerous let's plays and all the front bus kids ate out of their hands. lawsuits and serious legal implications popped up left and right. etc. etc.

now all that's left is a failing music streaming operation, asinine tv-shows attempting to be sold purely off the fact that e-list celebs (read as: internet "icons") star in them, absolutely no advertisers, and one-million and one awful gaming channels. it could have been so much more than that thing i turn on for a few minutes a week when i don't feel like playing hearthstone during a meal.

quite the rant. i loathe long posts but believe it or not i was avidly exploring and making silly musical content there back around 2009. i was along the whole time to watch a fresh land of possibility start out strong and go right into the trash. such a waste

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
/end thread

feel like the jaded old hag. ever since 2009 youtube it's all gone to complete shit. google came in and mucked everything up with weird politics and awful design choices. every moron under the sun cramped it with cancerous let's plays and all the front bus kids ate out of their hands. lawsuits and serious legal implications popped up left and right. etc. etc.

now all that's left is a failing music streaming operation, asinine tv-shows attempting to be sold purely off the fact that e-list celebs (read as: internet "icons") star in them, absolutely no advertisers, and one-million and one awful gaming channels. it could have been so much more than that thing i turn on for a few minutes a week when i don't feel like playing hearthstone during a meal.

quite the rant. i loathe long posts but believe it or not i was avidly exploring and making silly musical content there back around 2009. i was along the whole time to watch a fresh land of possibility start out strong and go right into the trash. such a waste

in regards to let's plays, i usually close the tab the moment the let's player in question starts trying to read text in a game with a bad, easily cringe worthy, voice acting attempt. RPG let's plays are incredibly bad about this.

i like throthgar and have stuck with his channel, tyrannicon, since i found it years ago because he's actually good at what he does and profanity aside, he actually makes it fun to watch a guy acting pissed off at everything. also, instead of cringey fake voices, he does different accents and stuff sometimes...depends on which character he's acting as.

then there's the likes of markiplier who i like...sometimes but... his over the top acting in regards to horror games and other stuff gets old and/or annoying pretty quick and can start feeling like you're watching a pewdiepie video. :/

10 Times Rich People Took It Too Far

pizza...oh NASTY! why are rich people so disgusting? i don't know what those culinary abominations are but that is NOT pizza. reminds me of that super expensive burger that had golden leaves, caviar, and a bunch of other stuff piled on top of it.

3:41 "it's infused with diamond and gold powder, and uses virgin honey and olive oil to soften your skin"

rich person: why spend money on good things and help people somewhere in the world when i can buy this incredibly expensive soap instead?

me: wtf?

Updated by anonymous

Adult Swim... or to be more precise, the terrible shows they air that are so incredibly bad calling them garbage would be high praise. with shows like the various Tim & Eric series or this saul of the mole men i have muted right now, i think it can safely be said that a lot of what gets aired on adult swim is without a doubt, objectively bad.

i mean, adult swim was at least decent in the 90's but now... i'd rather sit here in relative silence than expose my senses to those abominations.

well, there's always toonami, i guess...and boomerang.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
then there's the likes of markiplier who i like...sometimes but... his over the top acting in regards to horror games and other stuff gets old and/or annoying pretty quick and can start feeling like you're watching a pewdiepie video. :/

that's funny, markiplier's always been my absolute least favourite youtuber while pewdiepie is the only one i'll watch. definitely not his old content though, jesus even he's appalled by it.

maybe once a week i'll feel like youtube and pop open his recent videos to see what looks funny

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
then there's the likes of markiplier who i like...sometimes but... his over the top acting in regards to horror games and other stuff gets old and/or annoying pretty quick and can start feeling like you're watching a pewdiepie video. :/

Try tearofgrace (It's not edgy. He based it on his actual name.). The guy skips to the parts you came for, knows it isn't the screaming, and somehow made a sponsor ad entertaining to the point that people watched one of his let's plays just to see the ad when crunchyroll sponsored him during a binding of issac video.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Try tearofgrace (It's not edgy. He based it on his actual name.). The guy skips to the parts you came for, knows it isn't the screaming, and somehow made a sponsor ad entertaining to the point that people watched one of his let's plays just to see the ad when crunchyroll sponsored him during a binding of issac video.

huh, well, no harm in checking him out.

um... truly, throthgar is a rarity among let's players. and i mean a very rare find.

Updated by anonymous

Copyright infringement. Copyright infringement everywhere! Also, dem word salad titles.

Another thing I've noticed is the title card, written title and/or icon label often don't match. This even happens on legit games sometimes.

Edit: Wait a minute. Why does the third one have a 7+ rating while the other four have a G rating? That's the only one I've seen so far with a non-ACB rating.

Edit2: Can at least one person from America, Europe and Japan tell me what ratings show up for them? Since I (almost) only get ACB ratings, I don't know if the pages ever show PEGI, ESRB or CERO ratings.

Updated by anonymous

Suit Yourself WHAT THE SNUFF?

how one commenter put it: "So ... Games have to be censored and dont you dare show a nipple in a game BUT THIS THIS IS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN GG - we truely life in the worst Timeline" yeah...people want to go around censoring what can or can't be seen in video games, movies, or on tv...but THIS is ok for kids to see. wtf is wrong with those people?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Suit Yourself WHAT THE SNUFF?

how one commenter put it: "So ... Games have to be censored and dont you dare show a nipple in a game BUT THIS THIS IS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN GG - we truely life in the worst Timeline" yeah...people want to go around censoring what can or can't be seen in video games, movies, or on tv...but THIS is ok for kids to see. wtf is wrong with those people? [/quote] Letting kids look with virtual breasts: Totally inappropriate. Letting kids play with physical breasts: Totally okay. WTF?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Letting kids look with virtual breasts: Totally inappropriate.
Letting kids play with physical breasts: Totally okay.


yep and now that i think of it, what raging golden eagle was talking about in this video ( How to fight virtue signaling emotional busybodies ) likely plays a role in that too.

they're actually helping that which they claim to oppose irl by fightng and trying to block a harmless outlet for the activities they're fighting against.

we've seen this happen a number of times on this site when it comes to certain people trying to get cub porn banned and using every excuse they can come up with to do it. all in the name of fighting pedophilia...when really, taking away stuff like cub, shota, and loli porn (drawn and 3d pics i mean, not the irl stuff) probably makes it happening irl more likely since you're removing a harmless alternative by removing that content.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
yep and now that i think of it, what raging golden eagle was talking about in this video ( How to fight virtue signaling emotional busybodies ) likely plays a role in that too.

they're actually helping that which they claim to oppose irl by fightng and trying to block a harmless outlet for the activities they're fighting against.

One insight I found useful to understand this, is, for virtue-signalling, villains are an essential part of your virtue-signalling economy. You want more of them, not less, and you want them to be more villainous than they currently are. The more villains there are, the more virtuous you can look (because virtue-signalling is personally cheap; it's not like it necessitates physically fighting these 'villains'; if you did that you'd have to actually think carefully about who you attack).

I'm not claiming that virtue signalers necessarily process that on a conscious level. But the motivations that you have affect your actions regardless of whether you know that you hold those motivations.

It also reminds me of the book Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. Which outlines that empathy doesn't work anywhere near as well as people think -- it tends to make us --more-- biased and bigoted, for example, and entails a range of perverse incentivizations.
He wrote some articles before he wrote the book; here is a review of one.

"I’ve found that such empathizing—feeling the pain and suffering of others—is more often than not a selfish act. It lets the listener turn the attention to their personal suffering. Instead of acting as a conduit for their friend to siphon their emotions through, it quickly becomes about the corresponding distress in the listener. Everyone dumps, no one cleans up the mess."

"At the end of his initial essay, Bloom compares empathy to anger, something a few commentators voiced frustration over. Yet again, I think he was spot on. Recent research has shown that expressing anger lowers levels of cortisol in one’s blood. Focused anger has long been a catalyst for positive change, especially if you consider protest music through the ages. Embodied rage lies at the heart of civil and women’s rights and numerous other injustices that have plagued humanity. "

(sorry if this doesn't measure up to standards of angriness for this thread ;)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
One insight I found useful to understand this, is, for virtue-signalling, villains are an essential part of your virtue-signalling economy. You want more of them, not less, and you want them to be more villainous than they currently are. The more villains there are, the more virtuous you can look (because virtue-signalling is personally cheap; it's not like it necessitates physically fighting these 'villains'; if you did that you'd have to actually think carefully about who you attack).

This probably explains why so many people claim to be against rape but don't do anything to help rape victims. Or people who go on about how famine is such a massive problem in third world countries yet won't donate any money to charities set up to combat that famine. So many of these virtue signalers are all talk.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
This probably explains why so many people claim to be against rape but don't do anything to help rape victims. Or people who go on about how famine is such a massive problem in third world countries yet won't donate any money to charities set up to combat that famine. So many of these virtue signalers are all talk.

is being "against rape" even a thing? i thought rape being an acceptable part of mating died out over a hundred thousand years ago in our evolutionary chain

Updated by anonymous

Dr. Seuss Books Banned by Liberal School Librarian - And You Won't Believe Why!

1:10 ok, lady, we get it. you're an SJW.

2:09 this librarian needs to be fired as she clearly doesn't have the best interest of the kids at that school in mind.

2:16 oh boy... heez, is it so hard to accept a gift and show some freaking gratitude? these were a gift! (well, donation really but it's about the same thing in effect.)

2:55 oh boy, here we go... here comes the racism claims. seriously, wtf are people like this librarian hired to work at schools? they don't give a shit about the kids or their futures. they're just working there to push an agenda and nothing more.

this girl needs to be fired.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
2:55 oh boy, here we go... here comes the racism claims. seriously, wtf are people like this librarian hired to work at schools? they don't give a shit about the kids or their futures. they're just working there to push an agenda and nothing more.

What, didn't you know that Green Eggs and Ham is racist against green people?

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
One insight I found useful to understand this, is, for virtue-signalling, villains are an essential part of your virtue-signalling economy. You want more of them, not less, and you want them to be more villainous than they currently are. The more villains there are, the more virtuous you can look (because virtue-signalling is personally cheap; it's not like it necessitates physically fighting these 'villains'; if you did that you'd have to actually think carefully about who you attack).

I'm not claiming that virtue signalers necessarily process that on a conscious level. But the motivations that you have affect your actions regardless of whether you know that you hold those motivations.

It also reminds me of the book Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. Which outlines that empathy doesn't work anywhere near as well as people think -- it tends to make us --more-- biased and bigoted, for example, and entails a range of perverse incentivizations.
He wrote some articles before he wrote the book; here is a review of one.

"I’ve found that such empathizing—feeling the pain and suffering of others—is more often than not a selfish act. It lets the listener turn the attention to their personal suffering. Instead of acting as a conduit for their friend to siphon their emotions through, it quickly becomes about the corresponding distress in the listener. Everyone dumps, no one cleans up the mess."

"At the end of his initial essay, Bloom compares empathy to anger, something a few commentators voiced frustration over. Yet again, I think he was spot on. Recent research has shown that expressing anger lowers levels of cortisol in one’s blood. Focused anger has long been a catalyst for positive change, especially if you consider protest music through the ages. Embodied rage lies at the heart of civil and women’s rights and numerous other injustices that have plagued humanity. "

(sorry if this doesn't measure up to standards of angriness for this thread ;)

There are multiple types of empathy. You'll find the issue is when cognitive empathy has no emotional empathy to avoid exactly what we have now. Where a person reads the emotion without feeling it, or any other. I've actually gone two years without any empathy. When it comes to apathy being a solution, nothing could be further from the truth. If empathy hadn't come back, I would be dead right now. As for those who are used to it, who do you think drove me to that point in the first place?

Updated by anonymous

The term "millennials."

Millennials is just so stupid and makes no sense. If anything, it should apply to all those who indulged themselves in those cheesy millennial fads! I've seen 45 year olds sporting frosted hair. Rad dad 90s looking motherflipingfoofas...

Then you have "80s kids" using it to classify the so called "90s kids." Sitting around watching Dawson's Creek and listening to Smashing Pumpkins. Doesn't like a non-millennial thing to me. "Buffy and Angel was the best! Babysitter's Club taught me values." I thought 90s television was all crap. "Atari games were bullsnot!" Only difficult game I can remember off hand was ET: The Lizard Creature and Me(hup! hup! hup!)

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I've actually gone two years without any empathy. When it comes to apathy being a solution, nothing could be further from the truth. If empathy hadn't come back, I would be dead right now. As for those who are used to it, who do you think drove me to that point in the first place?

Apathy is a different proposition. The author is promoting understanding, not apathy. It's compatible, AFAICS, with the proposition 'everything that you do matters'. I'm not apathetic to your argument, I just don't have the illusion that I know even roughly how you felt when making it.

Regarding the issue I brought it up in the context of -- virtue signalling -- people often do seem to believe that they are being empathetic to the people they are exploiting for social status. Since the Big5 personality measure 'Agreeableness' is one of the strongest predictors of PC behaviour, and agreeableness predicts strength of ingroup/outgroup preference [ie. how tribalistic you are, basically], this claim has some credibility.

Updated by anonymous

annoying... women women women... was watching that move, The exorcism of emily rose (it's...interesting...i guess), and now i'm sick of seeing tampon, bra, ensure nutrient stuff, and other commercials all aimed at women with almost no mention of men. well, there was that one about cookies but that one just made the husband look stupid (and when are progressive insurance commercials not creepy and making people look stupid? that's kinda their thing. which kinda makes the name rather fitting now that i think about it.).

all i've seen today in regards to commercials on tv are medical lawsuit BS, medicine commercials listing off a mile long list of risks and potential side effects, women's stuff... and other ones that just make the men in the commercial look and/or sound stupid.

it's super annoying and makes me wish i could block all tv commercials outright like i do internet ads on my laptop.

oh and those addiction hotline with their "addiction IS a disease" con and that ever so annoying Passages Malibu detox clinic that looks like a spa more than anything.

certainly is easy to see the feminism in those commercials though with how much focus they put on women and how dumb they make men look. well, now i remember why i seldom venture away from Boomerang when watching tv these days.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
all i've seen today in regards to commercials on tv are medical lawsuit BS, medicine commercials listing off a mile long list of risks and potential side effects, women's stuff... and other ones that just make the men in the commercial look and/or sound stupid.

Is this all happening between 10:00am and 2:00pm? Because midday television has always been shit.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

certainly is easy to see the feminism in those commercials though with how much focus they put on women and how dumb they make men look. well, now i remember why i seldom venture away from Boomerang when watching tv these days.

what. what you described is not feminism. its just pure unnecessary gender stereotyping and feminism is against that.

Updated by anonymous

Ledian said:
what. what you described is not feminism. its just pure unnecessary gender stereotyping and feminism is against that.

BlueDingo said:
Is this all happening between 10:00am and 2:00pm? Because midday television has always been shit.

better question would be when aren't the commercials like this? hmmm...and on a related note, they're still airing that marvel girls thing (short animation segments focused on female heroes/villains working together or...something). :/ i tend to just mute and ignore those though.

Updated by anonymous

Ledian said:
what. what you described is not feminism. its just pure unnecessary gender stereotyping and feminism is against that.

How do you tell what feminism is for or against? By what feminists say, or what feminists do?

Updated by anonymous