Topic: Fan Bases you dislike

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Post what ever fan base you dislike
with or with out a reason.

As for me
I don't like Undertale
I liked it at first then was kinda interested on it
but some what the fan base gave me a sour taste...

I don't want any thing to do with Undertale.
A friend said would give me the game on steam.
I said no thanks, give it to someone else.

That how much I dislike Undertale
I don't even want to play it, even it was given to me for free.

Updated by JeffreyDahmer

If you were to hate every game, movie, cartoon, etc. that had unfavourable people in its fanbase, you would have to hate just about everything ever made. Why let them dictate your interests?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Pretty much all of them, to the point that I have to get to things before I'm aware of the fanbase or I will want absolutely nothing to do with the subject of interest.

Updated by anonymous

Sonic and MLP fanbases. I hold no disdain against them normally, and I can take what they are without considering their fanbases; it is just the fanbases that I despise. The lack of originality, the absolute destruction of sensibility in storytelling, I would even dare say that they are worse than Homestuck's...

But to balance out hatred, I enjoy FNAF and UT fanbases for the opposite reasons. It might be favoritism from YouTube and comics, but the people consisting of FNAF have shown plenty of dedication in their fan games, and I like UT comics because they actually succeed in rewriting a story without changing it (or more, by shifting foci to specific elements).

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
If you were to hate every game, movie, cartoon, etc. that had unfavourable people in its fanbase, you would have to hate just about everything ever made. Why let them dictate your interests?

I just dislike it because left me a sour taste of it,
and kinda made me not interested in it anymore.
and part of me don't care...
if you like it, good for you.
I won't stop you or anyone for liking it.

But people can make others dislike something that easy tho,
just one bad first expression,
and it can set that person mind to dislike it.

Or for me it's more like
"Fuck it...
If you people gonna act like that
I don't want anything to do with it then."

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Sonic fanbases and MLP fanbases. I hold no disdain against them normally, and I can take what they are without considering their fanbases; it is just the fanbases that I despise. The lack of originality, the absolute destruction of sensibility in storytelling, I would even dare say that they are worse than Homestuck's...

But to balance out hatred, I enjoy FNAF and UT fanbases for the opposite reasons. It might be favoritism from YouTube and comics, but the people consisting of FNAF have shown plenty of dedication in their fan games, and I like UT comics because they actually succeed in rewriting a story without changing it (or more, by shifting foci to specific elements).

Sonic gheese been years I was a fan but I think I got over Sonic back in 2002
and I wasn't hard core fan, more like a casual fan, but i know the fan base can get crazy and strange.

MLP I don't get it really, besides I heard the writing and art style was by a few people who did Dexters Lab and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, thats's the only reason I would get a peek of interest on MLP, I don't care for the fanbase much, if they enjoy it, more power to them.

The FNAF fanbase is decent,
I never played the games.
I only like the lore, concept and characters,
a haunted "ChuckECheese" place it's a original concept.

Updated by anonymous

sonic the hedgehog and mario.

sonic because let's face it, that fandom is pure cringe. i've always liked...well, most of the games.

and i mainly hate the romhacking side of mario because heaven forbid someone goes out and make a half decent hack of a mario game. screw that fandoms love for extreme difficulty hacks and shit. unfortunately, the fangame side of this franchise typically makes fenoxo's games look like diamonds compared to turds. but i also like it cause i really like koopa's and yoshi's.

i don't usually bother with fan stuff all that aside from furries and mlp but that's just for the occasional decent/good fanfic.

i don't even bother with undertale much aside from music and art. i think we all know how that one hidden character (sorry, forgot his name. it was the artist one) went. >.> i'll pass on that stupid drama and hate. heh, bet there'd be some fast admin action if that happened here.

Updated by anonymous

The Steven Universe fandom is known to bully ship artists into suicide and celebrate their deaths.

An Undertale ship artist was also given cookies with needles in them at a convention recently.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
The Steven Universe fandom is known to bully ship artists into suicide and celebrate their deaths.

An Undertale ship artist was also given cookies with needles in them at a convention recently.

What the hell? Did they at least arrest the person who gave the cookies? I mean, it's a convention, there should have definitely been cameras.

Updated by anonymous

I don't like the people(fans) that scream in high pitched voice and act like animals when they see their God or whatever.(Though that's more on hating the behavior rather then people)

Updated by anonymous

Dusk_To_Dawn said:
Pretty much any online gaming community.

That's actually pretty unfair. there are bad groups yes, but most are actually pretty good. Hell I used to be part of a couple good ones and even ran one myself.

To the original question, I don't really dislike any fandom(all have their goods and bads after all.) but I have run into some serious disconnect with the Sonic fandom, which is sad cause they used to be pretty good. Ah well times change.

Updated by anonymous

I dislike when an entire group is judged for the actions of a select few, especially when it is judged negatively.

Updated by anonymous

Strikerman said:
I dislike when an entire group is judged for the actions of a select few, especially when it is judged negatively.

Gotta agree with this. Considering every one of us I'd likely in the furry fandom, which is basically the lightning rod where most fandom generalization goes, it just seems like I'd be proving them right by doing it too.

Updated by anonymous

There are no 'good' or 'bad' fandoms, what behavior and content deemed desirable to one person may not be liked by another. Having said that however, many that I have had some interest in were very sour experiences. I could say that all fandoms are pretty terrible to me regardless of that content they might have, but obviously there are those who would want to think otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

I hate these tripod ones, they're far too wobbly for something that causes a draft.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Strikerman said:
I dislike when an entire group is judged for the actions of a select few, especially when it is judged negatively.

I have had far more shitty experiences with fandoms than good ones, regardless of the subject of interest. Unless something happens to change that, I'll just stick to disliking fandoms in general.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
The Steven Universe fandom is known to bully ship artists into suicide and celebrate their deaths.

yeah, i think i still remember that one fan artist who got the SJW treatment and was driven to attempted suicide. but what can i say? it was a tumblr related incident.

United_Gamers said:
That's actually pretty unfair. there are bad groups yes, but most are actually pretty good. Hell I used to be part of a couple good ones and even ran one myself.

agreed, MOBAs though... they kinda bring it on themselves with their community. of course, it's been said in the past that the whole MOBA game design kinda encourages the bad behavior.

and FPS's of course. well, not ALL game communities are overly bad or negative. >.> pretty easy to spot the ones that are though as they tend to get some pretty negative reputations.

furry fandom: stay away from FA and hope the drama doesn't follow you. aside from that it's largely misinformation from the mainstream media...or am i mistaken? well, they're not entirely wrong about the porn but still.

Updated by anonymous

I dislike the Ford Mustang fan base. Yes, that is a thing.

Updated by anonymous

If you ever need to feel better about your current place in life, just have a read through Tree of Souls or whatever it's called (avatar fansite).
Or for a more lolwat experience, I think MerNetwork still exists. I suppose it's just like fursuiting but with more accidental drownings.

Updated by anonymous

I would rather see a fan bases you do like thread. The rimworld community is pretty nice and friendly in my experience. To answer the OP I'm not fond of SU or undertale, shooters typically have horrible fanbases too.

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
I would rather see a fan bases you do like thread. The rimworld community is pretty nice and friendly in my experience. To answer the OP I'm not fond of SU or undertale, shooters typically have horrible fanbases too.

Gamer extremist do have a horrible fanbase,
those people can play by themselves and have no friends,
How they like to scare off or troll like asses,
they don't deserve any friends, how the way they act.

But that goes with any extremist fanbase.
They're better off alone.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, they're not entirely wrong about the porn but still.

Okay, but to be fair, what fandom doesn't have loads of porn?

Updated by anonymous

Sonic. It's not that I don't dislike it that much, it's just that I don't get it.

Updated by anonymous

Has anyone brought up the Zootopia fanbase? Or is that too soon?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
If you were to hate every game, movie, cartoon, etc. that had unfavourable people in its fanbase, you would have to hate just about everything ever made. Why let them dictate your interests?

This are my exact thoughts, honestly. People should realize that you can like something and not care for the activities of the fanbase, even though I can't stop those who happened to be so bothered but such fanbases. Yeah, most are more messy than others. However, I don't tolerate attacks on such fandoms because of how weird they can be 'cause doing so when thinking you're so much better than them makes you look kinda worse (MFF '14).

Updated by anonymous

Kink fanbases can be really nasty. I've seen a few that are nice and sweet on the surface but if you spend any time at all beyond that the nasty side shows itself fast.

In general though I'm not really comfortable with super devoted fans. Discussing theories and sharing hype is fun and fine, but something seems off to me about building up your personality and lifestyle off of fiction and fetishes.

Updated by anonymous

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