I know, there's already a topic about sexual attraction and females, but the topic, on the flipside, is just as interesting.
Being a queer myself, I find myself attracted to men primarily due to the fact that they're easier to identify with. Whenever I in a group of females roughly my age, I can't really talk to them. The girls that I am friends with in real life only like me because I'm gay guy who doesn't really seem gay. When I tell most girls that I'm gay, they're actually shocked. With guys, even if they're not gay/bisexual/queer, they can kind of tell, and depending on who they are, they can be cool about it. They don't try to outcast me because of it.
Another reason is due to the fact that I have both a sexual and romantic attraction, as opposed to just one.
Romantically (even though I haven't dated in over 6 years), I like guys because like I had mentioned, they're easy to get along with. Us guys know what guys like. With females (not that I've had much experience down that alley), you have to be... different. Since women disapprove of some things that most guys don't bat a eyelash at when around other men, you have to really watch yourself. From what little experience I've had with dating girls, it was uncomfortable. I just felt like I couldn't be me.
Sexually, since 99.99% of guys have a penis, they know how they work. They know how to make it work in different ways, and they know just what kinds of things they'd like to put it in. Again, referring back to what I had initially said, guys are generally more comfortable around each other, so that being said, they can communicate more freely about things they might want to try in the bedroom. With women (and I'm not intentionally trying to sound sexist by saying this), you have to worry about periods and menstrual cramps. With guys, if you're both up for it, then off the pants go. Not unless keeping them on is your thing.
(Excuse me if that last part came off as TMI. This is a prominently porn-based website, so I was hoping that people would be a little more open to discussing things like this.)
Updated by vJdKaanv