Topic: HoloLens, and the future of tech within the Furry Fandom

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Hey guys... so, I am a dev, and a HoloLens owner. And a furry (though quite the lurker). And I made this account basically to share stuff about the platform because right now, this tech is already just... the greatest thing ever.

Here's a vid, it really does a better job of explaining things than text.!Akfb5EpWzKzgiRcaNdqGsySYut23

So... let's talk about what things are going to be like in the near future. I can already manifest characters at-will, but we'll have full blown furry avatar character replacement and overlay so fast kids won't even realize we didn't always have it.

(Video Credits: Pink dragon-looking characters ©Fursat, used with permission. Song "You Can Never Tell" ©Chuck Berry, used without permission. Some furry artwork appears at the end of this video as a brief demonstration of the HoloLens shell and is used without permission and is © to the respective artists. This video was recorded real-time this morning on-device. Do not redistribute.)

Updated by Scalebag

It looks like AR meets VR. I have quite a few idea how this can be awesome, and all of them involve things that a tech geek such as myself would fanboy over.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
It looks like AR meets VR.

It is. Microsoft is using the term MR, "Mixed Reality" but personally I prefer just saying "holographics" because that's what it is.

kamimatsu said:
I have quite a few idea how this can be awesome

Let's talk about them! Personally I've not had time to totally sink my teeth into things so most of my tests are simple animations, which is FUN, but I am working on characters that are more, um... self-motivated? Also the tamagotchi aspect combined with a virtual sexual partner would be a lot of fun... imagine starting a whole virtual family! (And if you are kinky, fucking all of them and making more!)

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
Hey guys... so, I am a dev, and a HoloLens owner. And a furry (though quite the lurker). And I made this account basically to share stuff about the platform because right now, this tech is already just... the greatest thing ever.

Here's a vid, it really does a better job of explaining things than text.!Akfb5EpWzKzgiRcaNdqGsySYut23

So... let's talk about what things are going to be like in the near future. I can already manifest characters at-will, but we'll have full blown furry avatar character replacement and overlay so fast kids won't even realize we didn't always have it.

(Video Credits: Pink dragon-looking characters ©Fursat, used with permission. Song "You Can Never Tell" ©Chuck Berry, used without permission. Some furry artwork appears at the end of this video as a brief demonstration of the HoloLens shell and is used without permission and is © to the respective artists. This video was recorded real-time this morning on-device. Do not redistribute.)

VR needs to be more publicly available, as in not so damn expensive.
It's undeniable that this technology could change the way that people interact with computers, but I'm not so sure this is a good thing for adult furs... Of course, moderation, but some people don't know what that means.

Updated by anonymous

Faux-Pa said:
VR needs to be more publicly available, as in not so damn expensive.

100% in agreement. What I have now (Plus better features) will be within an enthusiast price range within 2-3 years, and will be as ubiquitous as the modern smart phone is now in less than 15 years, again, with better features.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
Let's talk about them!

Imagine if LARPing actually had magic you could see. It would read your hand gestures, then cast it. Basically, a Second Life combat grid, but without the lag and you actually move around.

Or arcades could make use of them if it got cheap enough. No more having to move around a bunch of machines. Just drag and drop.

Imagine if YuGiOh actually looked like it did in the show. Or D&D. Or any Tabletop (I personally like FATE Core).

Having your own avatar and having that avatar speak with someone using Mocap.

Cosplay just got a lot easier.

Updated by anonymous

All great stuff kamimatsu! I especially like your holo arcade idea. With regards to D&D, I am actually currently working on a DM companion/Tabletop Roguelike. All I have right now is a couple figures and dice though. (Being able to spawn a die of any denomination at any time and roll it on your furniture is pretty fun)

Also regarding holo cosplay, the anime Psycho Pass has a LOT of stuff that looks REALLY sci-fi but is closer to today than it is to five years ago.

Updated by anonymous

OMG, the future is here.
I'm afraid I would play with that too much if I were to get it.

Updated by anonymous

Are you working solely on executable VR applications or do you have any interest in static VR content aka 360 degree video?

It might be possible to support 360 degree .WEBM video on this site but I don't think anybody has tried to upload it and there might need to be some work first to add support.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
Also regarding holo cosplay, the anime Psycho Pass has a LOT of stuff that looks REALLY sci-fi but is closer to today than it is to five years ago.

My favorite anime.

Lance_Armstrong said:
It might be possible to support 360 degree .WEBM video on this site but I don't think anybody has tried to upload it and there might need to be some work first to add support.

You could have it read where you are and update according to movement.

Updated by anonymous

Faux-Pa said:
I'm not so sure this is a good thing for adult furs... Of course, moderation, but some people don't know what that means.

DelurC said:
I'm afraid I would play with that too much if I were to get it.

I've told my friends if they don't hear from me in a few days to give me a wellness check. ;) In all honesty though... I mean, I dug right into my kinks when making these tests and yeah... it's hard to stop. Even when my body physically says "Dude stop, please, stop." ;)

Here's a video of Kaia (The little demon girl) pregnant and giving me a show. (Warning, contains underage-looking polygons)!Akfb5EpWzKzgiRC9NjcICXWN1MUJ

(Kaia ©Fursat)

Updated by anonymous

Previous threads:

forum #185535
forum #207565

kamimatsu said:
My favorite anime.

You could have it read where you are and update according to movement.

360 degree video doesn't read your position, only the orientation of your head. You don't need a headset to view it, you can click and drag instead. However a headset is more natural since you can just move your head.

You can view examples here immediately without a VR headset:

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Are you working solely on executable VR applications or do you have any interest in static VR content aka 360 degree video?

I wouldn't say that I work solely on executables but honestly it's my focus because of my background in computer science and game development. I do like 360 degree video and it's quite easy to make if you are already making 3d rendered videos.

Lance_Armstrong said:
It might be possible to support 360 degree .WEBM video on this site but I don't think anybody has tried to upload it and there might need to be some work first to add support.

That would be a welcome addition to the site, but I really don't know the details involved on that. Web technology is my weakest point, lol, all my knowledge comes from well before modern reactive full-stack nonsense, hehehe.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
That would be a welcome addition to the site, but I really don't know the details involved on that. Web technology is my weakest point, lol, all my knowledge comes from well before modern reactive full-stack nonsense, hehehe.

I mentioned it because it would be the only VR related thing that could actually be uploaded directly to the site, and it would be cool for e621 to stay on the cutting edge and have cool VR like the cool kids.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
My favorite anime.

So an example I like to note is in the episode when they discover that a chair has been moved because the virtual version of the chair is in a different spot (they moved the chair in a hurry and didn't update the hologram position). HoloLens would've updated the chair position within 4 seconds, so in that regard we are already past the show. ;)

It handles mapping the environment really well and really surprisingly fast, and it does it all in the background while you use it. It's really quite remarkable. It has no real-time object tracking support though so you can't track people or objects yet in real time, and this is also why your hands don't occlude the holograms (Though your furniture will!)

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
I mentioned it because it would be the only VR related thing that could actually be uploaded directly to the site, and it would be cool for e621 to stay on the cutting edge and have cool VR like the cool kids.

I'm studying web development, so maybe I'll be designing it one day.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
HoloLens would've updated the chair position within 4 seconds

ಠ_ಠ that lag... unforgivable in a game. then again, technology never really stops improving (shame the price tags also keep skyrocketing with it) so eventually that lag may vanish entirely. assuming one could afford good enough hardware and/or internet if it was something online.

freaking money and greed are probably 2 of the biggest reasons most people can't make more common use of this kind of tech (among other forms of technology).

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
ಠ_ಠ that lag... unforgivable in a game.

Well, only for games that require you to move your furniture around, hehe. Your hand and head position are tracked at 60FPS (Actually head is tracked faster than that) and if you are lucky enough to be playing multiplayer with another HoloLens then their positional data will be instant or near-instant as well. This lag only affects the spacial mapping component so if you move furniture there is a small delay before the collision/occlusion geometry is updated.

But yes, it will eventually be completely real-time for spacial awareness as well, I am sure, just unsure on the timeline for it.

Updated by anonymous

Faux-Pa said:
VR needs to be more publicly available, as in not so damn expensive.

treos said:
freaking money and greed are probably 2 of the biggest reasons most people can't make more common use of this kind of tech (among other forms of technology).

This tech is in it's (late) infancy. While the algorithms have been available for some time1 being able to make them fast enough for real time computing, and to make the recording / computing hardware small enough / require less power, has only happened very recently.
This is very much the same as it was with personal computers 30 years ago. They'd cost up to 20k a piece for something that is only a fraction as powerful as a smart watch nowadays.

In 10-15 years this stuff can be bought in every electronic market for probably the price of a upper tier smartphone.

1 I worked as a surveyor years ago and we had a device that would autonomously measure an entire room like the hololens does. This would take for a single wall up to 45 minutes. The hololens does this in 1 second. And this doesn't even include working the data into a topographic map the software can use.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
In 10-15 years this stuff can be bought in every electronic market for probably the price of a upper tier smartphone.

you've got a point there.

...good things come to those who wait and all that. >.> of course that also brings up another annoying problem. by the time this tech gets cheap enough for public use we'd be back in this same situation observing even MORE advanced tech. :/

progress is annoying like that. good but annoying

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
progress is annoying like that. good but annoying

You're telling me. We will need life extension just to live long enough to see anthros created.

treos said:
by the time this tech gets cheap enough for public use we'd be back in this same situation observing even MORE advanced tech. :/

Tech has given you a place where you can talk to furries all day long while looking at on-demand porn.

There are tricks that can lower the amount of graphics and processing power needed for good VR. Lowering the level of detail might be preferable if it means the FPS can go to 90 and above. Newer GPU models can render slightly altered scenes more efficiently. Asynchronous timewarp renders an older frame in a new position if a new one is not available. Multi-res shading reduces the amount of detail rendered on the edges, where your eyes do not focus as much.

Multi-res shading alone could be the equivalent of a generation of GPU improvement with little apparent loss of quality.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
This is very much the same as it was with personal computers 30 years ago. They'd cost up to 20k a piece for something that is only a fraction as powerful as a smart watch nowadays.

This. The device that the HoloLens most reminds me of is the Xerox Alto computer. The Alto was a personal computer that never really got into homes because they were in that $20k range you mentioned. BUT. They had graphical user interfaces, they had ethernet networking, and they could be programmed in object oriented languages, all developed at Xerox.

What's important to understand is in the case of the Alto, people still didn't see how this thing was going to help in their day-to-day; a computer was a VERY strange and wonderful artifact to have on a desk in the 70's. The HoloLens is a new strange and wonderful artifact, and it's much more useful than any early computers because people actually have USES for computers these days. But even though the core of the technology can be thought of as a "display technology" it still is a TREMENDOUS departure from what people think "using a computer" means.

Also, regarding the march of technology and how long things get worked on before they become real, I love pointing people to the Sword of Damocles.

Updated by anonymous

I can definitely see furries everywhere wetting their pants over the prospect of everyone having these at cons and what-not, and publicly sharing their avatars so they automatically appear in them to everyone they meet. The tough part of that though would be figuring out a way to make the commonly hugefat population fit into their lithe little character bodies. You could maybe do the AR equivalent of content aware brush to paint the area around the avatar with what's behind it, but then you'd have people gut-bumping all the time.

Updated by anonymous

This is pertty cool you could do a lot with this. Play tower defense in your own house you could place the turrets anywhere. Limitles potential

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
I can definitely see furries everywhere wetting their pants over the prospect of everyone having these at cons and what-not, and publicly sharing their avatars so they automatically appear in them to everyone they meet. The tough part of that though would be figuring out a way to make the commonly hugefat population fit into their lithe little character bodies. You could maybe do the AR equivalent of content aware brush to paint the area around the avatar with what's behind it, but then you'd have people gut-bumping all the time.

Hitbox circles projected on the floor.

Personally I'd be mainly interested in either MMO's or co-op based FPS games that you could play with your mates. Whether over internet or inside a large hall / area.
On the other hand, tabletop games would become epic because you could see your figurines actually execute the commands. (Also figurine piracy in that you'd have a small piece of paper / carton spawn the actual figurine above it, instead of having to invest hundreds into plastic figurines).

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Hitbox circles projected on the floor.
instead of having to invest hundreds into plastic figurines).

Not to mention not having to store tons of them everywhere in your house and potentially lose them or forget where they are when you need them.

The hitboxes would be an interesting idea. You could integrate that with like some type of haptic feedback or something. No real upper limit to how far you could go with that. Heck, imagine a full haptic suit, and you can feel an impact where you get hit with a shot in a real-world FPS game. Move over, immersive VR. Time for immersive AR.

All of the game ideas that could come with really good AR sound super cool. Parkour for platforming, yeah the mmo/larp type play, even just turning general fitness into an interesting experience - say like some interesting scenery projections to add some interest to your run or something, or a motivating hud full of biometrics when you lift. Cool potential. I'd definitely be interested in developing in that realm once the technology's in place.

Updated by anonymous

The way technology is advancing, it wouldn't surprise me if one day people started uploading themselves into virtual worlds that scientists helped them create. They could just live out the rest of their digital existence snuggling or fucking with any fictional creature they wanted. Basically like a good dream that you never wake up from.

Updated by anonymous

ShawnaCallums said:
The way technology is advancing, it wouldn't surprise me if one day people started uploading themselves into virtual worlds that scientists helped them create. They could just live out the rest of their digital existence snuggling or fucking with any fictional creature they wanted. Basically like a good dream that you never wake up from.

Updated by anonymous

ShawnaCallums said:Basically like a good dream that you never wake up from.

Lucid dreaming is a great alternative to VR, isn't it?

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
The way moving data is handled, you copy something and delete the original. You can't live out your existence there. You can only create someone else who would.

Yeah, but you'd have a copy that has (At the moment of copying) your will, and can carry on in your name. And he/she/shi can live forever, which is something we can't really do yet as meatbags. Yes, it's not you, but it's also very much you. You can die without leaving the world, and your remaining friends can still be with you. It's not perfect but it's certainly "better than nothing" if you consider it better to exist than to not. Also, the copy will be MUCH, MUUUUUUUCH more efficient regarding resource use than our meatbags so immortality via computer emulation will have a lower impact on society at large vs. the alternative of reducing/removing aging factors.

Updated by anonymous

Lame and superficial. I fully expect society to cling to it and sink slower down into its own destruction thru hedonism and laziness.

It's always really cringy to see furries just kinda go ahead and use their real voices / faces / rooms loaded with gross furry porn, but I guess the fandom's not known for its dignity.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Lame and superficial. I fully expect society to cling to it and sink slower down into its own destruction thru hedonism and laziness.

It's always really cringy to see furries just kinda go ahead and use their real voices / faces / rooms loaded with gross furry porn, but I guess the fandom's not known for its dignity.

Everything that humans do is superficial and completely unnecessary. The universe does not need us to exist, learn, or create. We do things because we can, not because we should.

Life is a joke. You're just not in on it.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
Yeah, but you'd have a copy that has (At the moment of copying) your will, and can carry on in your name. And he/she/shi can live forever, which is something we can't really do yet as meatbags. Yes, it's not you, but it's also very much you. You can die without leaving the world, and your remaining friends can still be with you. It's not perfect but it's certainly "better than nothing" if you consider it better to exist than to not. Also, the copy will be MUCH, MUUUUUUUCH more efficient regarding resource use than our meatbags so immortality via computer emulation will have a lower impact on society at large vs. the alternative of reducing/removing aging factors.

So who is going to debug things? Bugs can't all be caught by machines, and the ones that aren't get worse when they appear later.

Also, it leaves us open to literal human-hacking. Normally, that requires years of practice and torture. There, it just requires a script.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Everything that humans do is superficial and completely unnecessary. The universe does not need us to exist, learn, or create. We do things because we can, not because we should.

Life is a joke. You're just not in on it.

Do you need a hug?

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
It's always really cringy to see furries just kinda go ahead and use their real voices / faces / rooms loaded with gross furry porn, but I guess the fandom's not known for its dignity.

I am sorry... I just thought you'd be excited... what was gross about it? No one else can see it, it's all in the HoloLens...

FibS said:
Lame and superficial. I fully expect society to cling to it and sink slower down into its own destruction thru hedonism and laziness.

It's really a lot of fun. But not so much fun that I think it's going to ruin lives, at least not compared to the lives it improves. I know it's not "important work" but it's fun to make and the tech I make for this will go into my other less-sexy but more-useful projects too.

PS: I like your art! :D Thank you for contributing to the community.

Updated by anonymous

ThrowawayVR said:
Hey guys... so, I am a dev, and a HoloLens owner. And a furry (though quite the lurker). And I made this account basically to share stuff about the platform because right now, this tech is already just... the greatest thing ever.

Here's a vid, it really does a better job of explaining things than text.!Akfb5EpWzKzgiRcaNdqGsySYut23

So... let's talk about what things are going to be like in the near future. I can already manifest characters at-will, but we'll have full blown furry avatar character replacement and overlay so fast kids won't even realize we didn't always have it.

(Video Credits: Pink dragon-looking characters ©Fursat, used with permission. Song "You Can Never Tell" ©Chuck Berry, used without permission. Some furry artwork appears at the end of this video as a brief demonstration of the HoloLens shell and is used without permission and is © to the respective artists. This video was recorded real-time this morning on-device. Do not redistribute.)


Updated by anonymous