Hey, all. I'm working off a chromium browser, the browser in question is Torch.
I keep getting the "Aw, Snap" error whenever trying to load any image with the Absurd Res tag. It's obviously not the tag itself but the res that's the issue, but I have no idea what that issue could be.
All other pages load just fine, regardless if flash, video, etc, but any image that's absurd res crashes that page and all other e6 pages I have open, whether they're in a different window or just a different tab.
This started happening fairly recently, less than a week ago, IIRC, and as far as I'm aware nothing has been installed or changed on my browser or computer. I've done malware and virus scans within the last 24 hours and things have come up clean (said scans were normal scheduled, not specifically for this issue.)
I've also disabled each and every extension I have one by one. I've found that the problem still persists despite this. I have, however, found that toggling off my "Enable Right Click" extension (Found on the Chrome store here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/enable-right-click/hhojmcideegachlhfgfdhailpfhgknjm or disabling my "allow copy" extension here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-copy/abidndjnodakeaicodfpgcnlkpppapah helps as doing either one of those things makes it so I can refresh the absurd res page.
However disabling both, or, indeed, even all of my extensions doesn't offer any improvement, absurd res images still require me to, at the very least, refresh the page a few times before they load properly and, indeed, when it crashes it still crashes all other e6 pages open.
Any insight as to why this may be happening would be really appreciated.
Updated by Linicks