Topic: Tagging help involving ticks?

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Hey everyone! Sorry to innconvience any of you, I just wanted to ask about tagging related to the ticks.
So, if I had a tick character with a big dick, would I tag: "tick dick?"
And if that tick was eating Tic Tacs, would it be:
"Tick dick Tic Tac?"
Of course, what if the tick was listening to the famous Kesha song, Tik Tok? Would it be:
"Tick dick Tic Tac Tik Tok?

Updated by Furrin Gok

As a serious answer, we don't really tag music very easily, so it would just be tick big_penis tic_tac male We use underscores for multiple words in the same tag, and we use penis instead of dick.

Updated by anonymous

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