Topic: Curious question

Posted under General

This has been itching at my curiosity for awhile now... Can someone explain to me what them coloured borders for thumbnails mean?

i.e. - There's red, blue, green, yellow...

Updated by TheHuskyK9

I know blue means "needs approval"
red is flagged for deletion I think

Updated by anonymous

They're a bit confusing at first, but, from what I've seen, I'll try to explain:

  • blue: Pending approval (recently uploaded and waiting for a mod)

green: Has children (the post is a parent of 1 or more posts)
yellow: Is the child of a post (see above)
red: Flagged for deletion (yeah)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
I did it all from memory! And got them right!! Did I pass? :3

Your reward is a free donut at Krispy Kreme :)

Updated by anonymous