Topic: Implicate Able Sisters → animal_crossing

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

On the subject of the Able sisters, Aliases!
mable_able -> mabel_able
mable_abel -> mabel_able
mabel_abel -> mabel_able (These three are easy enough typos for the name)
mabel_able_(animal_crossing)] -> mabel_able (If somebody cluelessly adds in the game)
mable_(animal_crossing) -> mabel_able
mabel_(animal_crossing) -> mabel_able

Sable (Yeah, L before E now):
sabel_(animal_crossing -> sable_able
sable_able_(animal_crossing -> sable_able

Labelle (E-L, L-E, why not both?):
labelle -> labelle_able (Technically, Labelle is the popular tag, but best to use fullnames, right?)
labelle_(animal_crossing -> labelle_able (Not even a popular one, but at least it mentions game!)
lable_able -> labelle_able (I'm surprised this one even exists)
label_able -> labelle_able (At least they properly spelled her birth name here)

Updated by anonymous

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