In response to blip #68185
@TheTundraTerror: A neutron star? Those.. don't collapse though.
If anything this site will eventually and slowly evaporate like a black hole is supposed to do.
@TheTundraTerror: A neutron star? Those.. don't collapse though.
If anything this site will eventually and slowly evaporate like a black hole is supposed to do.
@Mario69: Oh, don't worry. Once the site hits critical drama, it will collapse it on itself like a neutron star.
Crazy birb be admin now.
This physically hurt typing.
@Mario69 Everything burns. Even if it's the Internet.
I'll wait for day when FA gets nuked, because I'm almost done seeing 1280px JPG files, source being FA, saying original url was PNG, then take two seconds from my time and find ten times larger PNG image on other site, posted by artist themselves.
Is It Possible To Freeze Anti-Freeze?
Science! :3
sonja said:
baby where you get that StG 44 this is 1970s Ethiopia
StG? Nice. One of my favourite weapons.
Question of the day:
Why are little rich girls such bitches?
Like Princess Morbucks from the Powerpuff girls for example...
baby where you get that StG 44 this is 1970s Ethiopia
Bana lady in Omo Valley with an SKS(?)
hope im done fetishising the other for a bit at least
Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters
@sonja: First two pics are pretty nice
I take The San Francisco BART. And Nintendo Switch advertisement is pleasingly everywhere.
No confusion here. And demand is high.
Fashion show with tradtional mongolian dress as theme
Ladies on left got mad strong Lo Pan game goin on
@GameManiac: Which BART? The already existing one or is the new one finished?
(me and gamemaniac live in the same area for anyone wondering)
@GameManiac: yep, though based on my item owning record, I'd probably lose both, hehe, there's also a chance I do find the original one, even though I tore the house apart looking for it.
I'd recommend a Surface Pen...if comparable to your current interface.
Probably wise to buy a spare to if cheap enough.
Rode the BART train to work today. Saw nothing but posters advertising the Nintendo Switch.
Pulled out my Nintendo Switch, smiled, and played Breath of the Wild.
I can't believe I lost my tablet pen, what a dumb ass I've become! I guess 24th I'll have a new one...
I wonder if any dragons are reading this. If so, hi. : 3
Suppose I should find more to talk to. Lately it has been rather limited as far as finding people to talk to. (anyone in general, but it'd be cool to have more dragons to talk to.)
Gedol Shopkeeper: No, I don't suggest you buy this Hook and Chain Launcher. It would rip your arm out of the socket. Though, if you find a mechanical member for your party, buy it then.
Can't use my left arm and I'm left-handed. Sure was a happy birthday not being able to hold objects with the hand I write with.
Sorrowless said:
It's a nice comic E:
Yes. <3
furballs dc said:
post #1168883:3
It's a nice comic E:
Just tested out my paintball gun, scared the neighbors, cops came by. I will admit that my excitement overshadowed common sense.
A Plastic That Conducts Electricity?
Very nice.
@W0LFB3AT5: "Sometimes when you start a snowball rolling down a hill, you can't predict that it's gunna run over a heap of children."
@Mutisija: TvTropes calls characters like that "Camp Straight".
wait, so jaal is straight?? what kind of person makes pink alien cat boy with piercings and clothes like that and then tries to claim that he is heterosexual?
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: That's nonsense unless you're incapable of individual thought.
I only care about myself what the rest of society does is irrelevant to me, furthermore I don't think I have morals.
I once had a small glass of some kind of red wine (I can't recall what kind it was) with a plate of pasta, and I got heartburn and had to walk around outside for about 15 minutes.
telecast liquor directly into my brain stem
@Ratte: ha! Well if you put it like that then it sounds kinda funny.
Ratte said:
@W0LFB3AT5: We could always go back to our opinions of various animal penises in one's orifice of choice if that makes you feel better.
How about alcohol out of animal penis shaped bottles?
@W0LFB3AT5: We could always go back to our opinions of various animal penises in one's orifice of choice if that makes you feel better.
Why are we all talking about our opinions of booze now?
We're over here looking at Zenitix's birthday and how he's not medically qualified to drink, to triggering others about their different conflicts of beer. :T
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: You make it seem like that's the only thing we have for some reason. Further, seeing alcoholism in your social circles/family will probably have an impact on one's views. Get over it.
@Sorrowless: It sounds like you don't know what 'cultural' means. I am speaking from experience.
Ryuzaki Tritium said:
@Fenrick: Sounds fake.
So directly witnessing problems amounts to absolutely nothing because culture exists; gotcha.
@Sorrowless: Okay. I don't really know if it does then.
Fenrick said:
My opinion towards alcohol is primarily influenced by my witnessing alcoholism among friends and family, not any societal views or preconceived notions
Sounds pretty cultural to me.
@Fenrick: Sounds fake. You're always going to have societal views and morals based on what culture/religion you're born into. It's the same with literally every single human ever.
@kamimatsu: You misunderstood me. I said teens. As in binge drinking before it's legal for them to do so.
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: My opinion towards alcohol is primarily influenced by my witnessing alcoholism among friends and family, not any societal views or preconceived notions
Call it a bias, but I didn't just get my ideas from television shows or something
As I say, though. You Americans are not only too conservative towards alcohol, but it's also made any alcohol you guys DO have absolutely shit.
Like what the shit do you think beer is? It's not Bud Lite. Bud Lite is not beer.
@kamimatsu: Though I do have the unenviable achievement of losing a tooth on my 21st birthday in an incident that somehow did not involve alcohol. It was a Cheese Doodle.
@Sorrowless: I disagree. If they're going to binge drink at their 21st birthday, then they'd just be binge drinking at a different age without the limit. Never had a drink in my life and I'm 26.
@Fenrick: I'd argue against that, but one's opinions towards alcohol are ultimately culturally influenced. We never had any state-imposed prohibition in the UK.
What do you think of the argument that the 21 year limit causes teens to binge drink?
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: I mean... it's not an outright wonderful thing
@kamimatsu: Genes are an interesting thing. Then we have people like Churchill who was overweight, chainsmoked and boozed yet lived to a ripe old age.
Maybe science could give asthma a fix one day.
you american types and your conservative attitudes towards alcohol
lmao git gud
I drink alcohol at least 5 times a month- (once every week). Responsibly and mostly on my day off. When I got hungover at 19 in Germany and regret it, I haven't laid a finger on booze for 3 years.
four days until the alien dating simulator 4 comes out.
@Sorrowless: Not just the fetus. It was my grandpa. My dad has never smoked and my grandpa quit by then. It was passed down two generations even though my parents never smoked once. It's not so much cutting a limb off as it is rewriting your genes.
@Sorrowless: yep.
@Doomguy666: yes.
@kamimatsu: Right on. Soil is damaged from everything that now "good quality" is just history.
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: negative. My apprentice's great grandfather had clean lungs when he died.
@Sorrowless: After Prohibition alcohol consumption minimum age was set to 21 in most states as it was also the voting age at the time. It's shifted a few times since then over the years and was 18 for a while after voting age changed to 18.
Sorrowless said:
What's up with the 21 year old age restriction anyway?
Keeps people from being idiots, drinking to young, and driving into a light pole. I mean I'm 23 and I'm actively avoiding alcahol.
@Sorrowless: In the US, I think it comes from prohibition, where things were happening, so they banned alcohol, then people raised hell and did alcohol illegally, so the government re-legalized it with the condition of being responsible with it.
What's up with the 21 year old age restriction anyway? Isn't it 18 in most western countries?
That old finding. Smoking during pregnancy is a valid reason, though I would imagine the substance would affect the brain more than the lungs of the fetus.
I can't drink because of medical reasons, so the part I'm more excited about is now they'll let me into all the comedy clubs.
I really love stand-up comedy.
@Syderen: But I thought tobacco naturally had tar in it? Isn't that why even rolling tobacco's bad for you?
@Sorrowless: I don't know about asthma, but it's a real phenomenon.