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Putting the sense of deja vu into a robot creates a singularity that is used for faster than light travel, the robots we've tested this on have reported it feels like sneezing... then utter destruction of the robot.


Former Staff
In response to blip #95941

@Denix: I spent years playing a game with someone who always said people could never guess their name. I spent years guessing, thinking it was a rare/unique name. Shortly before the game's online ended they gave me their email. Their name was Greg.

In response to blip #95915

@Chameloshi: I had that, weird experience. Like your being pushed down in the dark and you feel a terrifying presence in the room, but no one is actually there. It's like you're awake, but have no control.

@InfernoKnight71XL-40: If you feel like someone is harrassing you you can report them, but please give the e621:rules a read before you throw a tantrum.

In response to blip #95904

@furballs_dc: I can say without even watching that that it's not worth it from any aspect, especially for consumer use at this point in time.

4K is slightly worth it, but mostly because integer scaling from most majorly used resolutions.

@The_Real_Slimshod: I apologize about coming off as so butthurt from seeing that vore comic. I don't usually mind vore, but I tend to get vocal about some stuff. And I couldn't resist saying something then. My bad on that.

@Millcore: I see I got a neutral tag and blacklist offer from you. I apologize about coming off as butthurt over some vore. Honestly I don't mind seeing vore most of the time. I do not wish to make trouble or make problems for my account here.

GTA: Hexagon City (reference to the e621 Hex pattern.)

@TheHuskyK9: O.G.Husk(y)


@vex714: O.G.Vex

@Doomguy666: O.G.Doom

@Syderen: 3×O.G.Syderen

(My apprentice, God rest his soul: O.G.J-Money)

In response to blip #95858

@W0LFB3AT5: O.G. WOLFB3T5 be blasting them mixtapes and O.G.Husky be spewing some fire of his own too.

Being from a previous era, I'll be blasting some jazz (when I'm not using the Chicago typewriter.) But I can still drop some modern beats.

In response to blip #95860

@Odisaodi: yeah, neither do I. I use win 8 not 8.1.

I'm assuming it's all versions.

What does end of support mean?
When Windows 7 reaches end of support on January 14, 2020, your computer will still function...