In response to blip #92290
The only way I would learn Spanish faster was watching shows that I know in English, and then switch it to Spanish which I now only understand “poquito más”. (Little bit more)
Basically I was self taught.
The only way I would learn Spanish faster was watching shows that I know in English, and then switch it to Spanish which I now only understand “poquito más”. (Little bit more)
Basically I was self taught.
@W0LFB3AT5: its, funny. I do the same to learn Japanese by watching both Eng and JP dubs of cartoons.
@W0LFB3AT5: That was kind of her to teach you. Knowing another language is advantageous, especially in the workforce. You may be given a bilingual stipend.
I learned in elementary school through high school. However, the school is all English now.