
so, I started writing a blip yesterday about some stuff I've been thinking about, but by the time I was finished it ended up being well over 3000 characters long, as well as a bit personal and also, like, a bit heavy for a blip. I'm not really sure what I want to do with it anymore.

currently it's just sitting in my private Discord server, next to some draft forum posts and BURs, a bunch of notes and reference numbers for RuneScape, and this never-to-be-finished summary I was writing for a friend of a videogame before that summary started spiralling into essentially a full novelization.

I guess I could just leave this as a sort of diary entry, although that's not normally something I tend to do. maybe I'll find somewhere else to dump this or something. either way it was just kinda nice to just like, _do_ some writing, I haven't really had the chance for that much, recently.


In response to blip #126117

sipothac said:

so, I started writing a blip yesterday about some stuff I've been thinking about, but by the time I was finished it ended up being well over 3000 characters long, as well as a bit personal and also, like, a bit heavy for a blip. I'm not really sure what I want to do with it anymore.

If you feel like you should post it, go ahead and do it in 3 blips, i dont know if staff and such is okay with that but if it feels good doing it, you probably should.

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