Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs? (chapter 62) post #2711142
Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs? (chapter 62) post #2711142
Ratte said:
Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs?
Nope, it's not gay! It's just what friends are for!
Ratte said:
Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs? (chapter 62) post #2711142
if you think it's gay you're gay
Ratte said:
Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs? (chapter 62) post #2711142
Ratte said:
Fellas is it gay to carry your injured friend up the stairs? (chapter 62) post #2711142
Physical contact? Gay.
Eye contact? Gay.
In the same room? Gay.
But no nuts.
Probably not gay.