In response to blip #110029

@Odisaodi: is ther even a helth reason in this case tho. nning fer too long is bad i think an im sur u can do naughty stuff not usin porn js.

CCoyote said:
I don't think we actually do know that. It may light up some of the same areas of the brain, but that's not the same as rewiring it. "Immense negative effects in many areas of life" sounds like moralizing and is anecdotal at best.

Regardless, porn and masturbation aren't the same thing.

I've also heard it's got something or other to do with testicular cancer awareness

see? but doesnt nning fer to long cause testicular cancer to? or prostate cancer? al in moderaton rite?

an gosh. only broght it up as a joke. im regretteing it now.


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