Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)
Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)
Dragonlord2328 said:
Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying …
I'll be glad if these people actually use the hand-sanitiser they hoarded up
… and continue to do so once the virus has passed
I know I'm asking a lot ¬_¬
@Dragonlord2328: my brother works retail and has a realistic fear too. It's ok to buy necessities mostly for family and friends who are more susceptible to the virus. Stay clean and sanitary, even after this has passed.
@Dragonlord2328: People are afraid, but they have neither the interest nor the attention span to find a reliable source (like CDC or WHO), read, and then follow their recommendations. So they freak out and do whatever their social media echo chamber tells them.
Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)
Dragonlord2328 said:
Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)
panic buying doomed our island to die. so that's one good thing about it
@Dragonlord2328: idiotic, inane. People are panicking over what's basically just "Flu, But Another One". Or Flu+.
I'm a truck driver; I only get the chance to go grocery shopping once every month or so. When I got the chance to, the store was basically stripped to the foundation. At least I don't need toilet paper, and I always have welding gloves available to use as hand condoms