Before it ends, how does everyone feel 2019 went for them compared to other years?
Before it ends, how does everyone feel 2019 went for them compared to other years?
@Odisaodi: I'd say 2019 was decent for me. Pretty norpy, but overall health? Way better than a few years before. Job hunting nowadays and taking care of fam.
@Odisaodi: It went terribly.
2020 is probably going to be just as worse if not more.
@Odisaodi: It went downhill after only a week, I had to have my cat put down. She would've turned 20 in February. I do still miss her, but having a pic of her as my iPad wallpaper has helped immensely.
Odisaodi said:
Before it ends, how does everyone feel 2019 went for them compared to other years?
absolute shit. same as every year
@Odisaodi: fantastic! New job, first car, first drivers license, first concert, first gun, first time using said gun.
It was actually quite an exciting year for me.